In the Life Log - Day 21 in My Musings
- April 7, 2024, 11:49 a.m.
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Today was one of those days again for me. I slept decently, clocking at about 8 hours and had a pretty quiet afternoon. However, I relapsed again in the afternoon as I was watching a Japanese animation film. As I write this, it’s been 3 weeks after the fact, and my feelings are still over the place.
When I went to the online mass earlier, the homily focused on 3 areas (the Gospel reading was about doubting Thomas) and those are: 1. for the believers, no proof is needed; 2. we can only see what we want to see - why not focus on seeing the good things?; and 3. what do we have to lose if we believe, and in contrast, what do we have to gain by not believing? The homily resonated with me because it is just in recent months that I restarted my spiritual journey and still have a lot of questions that have yet to be answered.
As always, I hope and pray for better days ahead. I still miss her.
Overall rating for the day: 4/10
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