Blarg in The Past

  • Oct. 23, 2014, 12:32 p.m.
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Got a couple interesting things happening in my life right now, nothing too over the top though.

Mom’s about ready to go back to work. She’s well and the doc says it’s okay, but she just has to make sure HR gets all the information that they want and in the way they want it. Which is being more of a hassle than it should be. The doc wants Mom to go back to work and work only 6 hours a night, to double check to see what her reaction would be doing labor intensive activities in a smoke filled environment. HR says that she needs to come back for the full 8 hours, or not come back at all. Neither side is budging. So I reamed HR out. I wouldn’t have done it except for the fact that it’s a stupid fucking rule, and they need to bend a little bit. The HR lady waffled and did the whole “I agree with you, but the system binds my hands” kind of thing, and I just… I let her have it. Politely, of course, no curse words, but I told her that she and the casino were setting their employees up for failure and if my mother ends up getting hurt or worse trying to force her body to do what they demanded, I was going to bring up a lawsuit. I could probably do it too, because their rule on her shift is you start the shift, you have to either finish the shift, or be taken out by ambulance. -shakes her head- Anyways, she told me there’s a way around the rule. If the Doc sends in a paper saying that Mom needs to go from continual FMLA to intermittant FMLA, she’ll be able to work the number of hours the Doc tells her to work, and take the rest on FMLA - no one’s able to stop her. Only thing is, the Doc cannot have anything on paper saying that Mom has to only work 6 hours, it has to be a clean bill of health with the understanding that Mom would use her FMLA.

I explain this to the doc’s assistant, she said she’d take care of it. I went to pick up the notes from the doctor, and she wrote that Mom could only work 6 hours a day and had to use FMLA for the other two. I was livid. HR won’t let her back in till she gets ANOTHER note saying that she can work for 8 hours, 5 days a week, and Mom’s getting edgy and worried about money, I’m getting edgy and worried about money, which’ll pass as soon as Mom gets a paycheck. We’re not in dire need or anything yet, there’s still a bit of money in her bank account, that she got from the disability people, but we’re tryin to pretend that money doesn’t exist so that if we do get into dire circumstances, it’s there. There’s also rolled coin hiding around the house – I learned to either spend my money the second I got it, or hide it, from living in a house with my father, so even though I’m trying to break that habit, the habit is still really strong.

So we’re hoping that the doc and HR will get on the same page and Mom can go back to work on Saturday.

On to today!

The Wellness Committee (one of the many committees you can donate part of your paycheck to) is doing flu shots for anyone who want them. If you donate at least 1.00 a paycheck to Wellness, you get your flu shot for free. If you don’t, then you pay 12.00, and if your friends/family need flu shots, they can pay the full price of 27.00. So Maili, who had a horrible night at work last night, got dragged along to my work and got to get a flu shot with me. My arm hurts now. But the lady giving the flu shots is one of my regulars for buying maile at shows. I told her that I wasn’t going to be going to the Fire Department’s show because it filled up too early, but that I was going to go to River Ridge High School for theirs. So she’s going to show up there and I told her I’ll give her some new flowers for her hair pick. Since I got the idea to add clips to them so you can change them out.

I’ve been slowly working on my etsy site. I still need to take better pictures of the newer stuff, but I got two or three items up:

I was talking to Roz, a girl from a merchanting group I’m in, and she does website creation and webhosting as a job, and as a side job, she’s offering really discounted websites… and I’m going to see about doing a trade for a site. My problem is the same one I have with trying to get someone to do my logo… I have zero interest or ideas on how it should look, how it should run, what should be on it. The whole bit of planning I have for my logo is: It should have a picture of chainmaile.. even if it’s just a black and white drawing of a piece of 4 on 1 or a single 1 on 2 chain, and my shop’s name. Colors, fonts, all that, don’t care. As for the website… I want a calendar, a shop, and a blog like thing that I can use to show pictures of what I’m working on and what the shows look like and people wearing my chainmaile, that sort of thing. Other than that? I don’t care. Oh, I think I want a side bar on the left side of the page, as well as on the top, or maybe make it so that the top bar stays in place so you can always see it… always have access, that sort of thing. Don’t ask me about colors or anything. -chuckles-

I’m actually in the process of branching out my business. I’m hoping to get a little money after Hawks Holiday Happening so I can buy some earrings from this lady in California. She’s a fellow crafter, makes the most beautiful origami earrings, and was talking how she needs a new revenue stream. I might see about buying 50 pairs to start with, to sell at the shows I go to. She’s selling wholesale at 2.00 a pair, but dammit, she deserves more than that little bit of profit, specially when I could sell the earrings for 5 - 15 dollars, depending on the size. So I’m going to work out something to make it worth while to both of us.

Saturday the Wellness Committe has rented out Skateland for a private party… it’s only for a couple hours in the evening, but there’s going to be treat bags for the kids, and food and snacks and the like. I’m going to take the psuedo-nephew and Maili with me and we’re going to go skate. I haven’t skated since the 7th grade or so, so this should be fun.

We’re also going to use that day, during the day, to carve a pumpkin for the pumpkin carving contest. Well, to be honest, she’s going to buy the pumpkin, I’m going to gut the pumpkin and hold the stencils, and she’s going to carve it. If we win anything, she’s going to demand that we split the profit (a whole 25.00, hehe) but that’s Maili for ya. We might go out and have a mocha or something on her share.

Sunday I’m going out with a guy I met via a dating site. I’m kind of apprehensive, mainly because I’ve been talking to this guy for the last week and a half or so, and I think it’s safe to say, that at least online, he has the personality of a loaf of Wonderbread, but not half as useful/tasteful? I don’t know. Nice guy, but very bland. He’s a gamer, in school to better himself, and helps take care of his family. We’ll find out after Sunday. We’re going out for lunch and a movie, and I’ll gauge whether or not this is something that I’m wanting to persue. Maili told me I should make him pay for everything, since he’s the boy and whatnot, but I think I’m going to throw in a couple dollars for my ticket and share of the pizza. I hate feeling beholden to anyone that I don’t know very well. Besides, I have an hour of OT on my check this week… It’ll give me an extra 20.00 that I didn’t plan for, perfect for my share.

If it goes well, I might invite him out to Music Triva night in November.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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