In the Life Log - Day 7 in My Musings

  • March 24, 2024, 11:37 a.m.
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I slept poorly again last night; after going to bed at 1:30 am, I kept tossing and turning to the point that I had to take a 2nd dose of chamomile tea - finally got to sleep at 3 a.m.

Despite the subpar sleep, I’d like to think that today was the best I’ve felt this week, and that says something. I decided to go to the mall to get some stuff and help me get my mind off things. Since it was Palm Sunday as well, I went to visit the church too.

The priest talked about the importance of renouncing certain things / aspects in one’s life and maintaining humility at the same time - all of which relate to Jesus’ life and passion. After the mass, I did feel that some of the burden I was carrying was taken off my back; for that I am grateful.

I look forward to good days ahead.

Overall rating for the day: 6/10

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