Make Love Not Babies in anticlimatic
- March 29, 2024, 1:25 a.m.
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I think I found the problem.
I haven’t known what to do with the recent societal malaise beyond chalking it up to the internet, or at the very least social media…but I think that is outdated. I think those were problems of the mid 2010s, and what we are left with now is something new- perhaps in part a consequence of it.
“Fall is a feeling I just can’t lose.”
Disconnection. Isolation. Madness and rampant fringe ideas. What the christ is happening? Some people see it. Some do not not. The mechanisms for revealing truth have been neglected and ostracized by the “righteous” and shortcuts to truth that used to be perfectly serviceable have since grown over and become suspect.
From where and into what have we strayed?
I’ve heard it said that metal heads are nice people larping as assholes, and hippies are assholes larping as nice people. The Boomers, my parent’s generation, proto-hippies and now notorious Assholes Of The 21st Century, have begun entering the nursing homes- and according to nurses, they are as large of entitled pricks as the stereotype would suggest. The silent generation is on the way out, and they weren’t that great either- especially compared to their predecessors, my Grandfather’s generation- the Greatest Generation (title very earned). Boomers are to the Silent generation, as Millennials are to Gen X- a steep and rapid departure.
I’ve also heard it said that love is very simply and honestly defined as the elimination of separation from someone else; to consider them as one considers themselves; to consider their protection and nutrition as equal to and as important as the protection and nutrition one considers for themselves. While I’m not sure if that equals the term “love” EXACTLY, I can admit a direct coloration. Perhaps it is love’s consequence, or form?
The hippies, for all their narcissism, did believe in This above all else- at least in rhetoric, and they believed in Art. I think they were correct in both of these, ideologically. Their failures lay elsewhere, perhaps not even at their own feet, but Love and Art are inextricably bound. As one fades, so does the other. Does it not seem like both have faded, over the last few decades?
We don’t love each other like we used to. And we can’t love others if we can’t love ourselves. And we can’t love ourselves if we hate who we are, what we are, or where we came from. The endless criticism. Grievance fishing. Deconstruction. Over analysis. We have forgotten how to love humanity, so we have forgotten how to love each other.
This is tied directly to art because within art is every available reason to love humanity. It’s the message of the spirit. The flower of the species. The inspiration and the final product.
I’ll take a double dose of each.
Last updated March 29, 2024
Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ March 29, 2024
You're so interesting. How did you come to be?