chills up my spine in Hi This is Kat!

  • March 17, 2024, 4:30 p.m.
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Chilly start to the day… I went outside like a bad ass to edge the yard and mow the grass… I got the lawn mower out and felt chilled so I decided to just edge but by time I got the fuel out I was already frozen and got nothing done! it was 47˚ and I have been used to 65 to 75 degrees… maybe later today it will warm up or the wind will lay down a bit

Jo called and told me her and Randy got into it last night after they spent fun day together. She said she only drank like 6 beers all day but cannot remember why they were arguing or what happened. That concerns me! Decompensated cirrhosis does cause memory issues and personality changes. She still seems sharp as a tac on finances but she just can’t mentally get herself together to do a task. That is where I come in… I will get her disability filled if I get all the paper work… I will hire a guy I went to school with… If she get’s her taxes started I can be her leg person to gather other papers.... and I will get her COBRA insurance started as soon as she gets the info from her union steward. People think that Jo is just lazy but I know… for some reason Jo cannot do things like this on her own right now and I do not mind helping her as I know she appreciates it.

Jodie March 17, 2024

Then why don't you just get what she needs and get it done? because when she gets it done it will be too late.

theKat Jodie ⋅ March 17, 2024

because I need tax papers and banking info from her before we can start taxes, I need the paper work for unemployment and insurance and I need her to go to the attorney to get things started... I can help finish them but all has to be started by her. with her SS numbers and other info I do not know

Jodie theKat ⋅ March 17, 2024

are you going to give her a time line? Like a week?

theKat Jodie ⋅ March 17, 2024

no...she is not my child. I am sure as soon as the paperwork comes she will bring it over and I can get the COBRA insurance and unemployment started... and after she makes the lawyer appt... we can get disability started.

taxes might be fun
hahaha sarcasm there

Jodie theKat ⋅ March 17, 2024

You do realize she will procrastinate as much as she can.

theKat Jodie ⋅ March 17, 2024

if she does it will be her these things need to be finished soon... but it does not harm me at all if she does not do them... it only benefits her

Jodie theKat ⋅ March 18, 2024

I know.

queenofegypt March 17, 2024

We put some plants that we brought in for winter back outside the other day; of course now it's going to freeze tonight so back inside they are!

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