lota nothings in Hi This is Kat!
- March 14, 2024, 5:25 p.m.
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Such a lovely afternoon! 75 degrees! But with warm spring days usually brings storms…
Am I the only weird person that goes around in spring to check to see if all your plants and bushes made it thru the winter.... only my crape myrtles are late bloomers.
When we bought this house 11 years ago there was so little color! Only a crab apple lil tree, Japanese maple, lilies, and a Bradford pear… now it has lots of color!
I feel jo is really trying to cut back drinking :) makes me proud of her! Her husband is in the ER right now with a horrible bout of gout in his hand! He must be in horrible pain! please keep him in your prayers.
Mark is in the garage making wren houses! He is feeling much stronger. He is walking w/o a cane or walker now.
Plummer is coming today to hook up the gas lines to the pool heater.... pool opens in April!
Jodie ⋅ March 14, 2024
So glad to hear Mark is getting back to his old self.
queenofegypt ⋅ March 15, 2024
We had our first thunderstorms of the year this morning.
I hope Jo's husband feels better soon.