figuring myself out in Each Day
- March 18, 2024, 1:26 a.m.
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Stolen. I really wanted to write jokes for most of these, but I erased them and really tried to be earnest. This is pie in the sky stuff. Fantasy self that I’d love to make a reality.
Personal — mental-spiritual
Who do I aspire to become? More myself. Living my values. A keeper of Truths.
How do I wish to feel once I reach my goals? Proud. Rooted.
What do I want to embody? Honesty of self, good or bad, as I am.
In order to achieve my goals, what do I need to let go of? Shame. Guilt. Negative self talk.
What kind of personality and habits doesn’t serve me anymore? Snark. Cynicism.
How can I better nurture my soul? More peaceful introspection. Tap into myself. And yet: Think less, do more.
What does make me feel alive? Sex. Laughing. Working my body. Hands in dirt. Creation.
Which hobbies would I like to have? I am in the process of starting both stained glass and weaving.
In which areas do I wish to grow? Spirituality, self confidence, self compassion.
What kind of relationships do I wish to have? Where I can drop the mask, and I can be a space for my loves to drop theirs, too.
What are my key values in a relationship? Honesty, empathy, sense of fun, security
How do I wish to treat others? I want to see them as they are, without my judgement or perspective clouding my view of them.
Who do I long to let into my life? A casual social group without the need to develop lifelong friendships.
What kind of friendships would I love to create? Improved versions of what I already have. Better communication, more vulnerability, have and respect boundaries.
Financial abundance
What mindset do I wish to let go of around finances? Scarcity.
On the contrary, what mindset would I love to embody? Confidence.
How do I want to feel around finances? Competent.
How do I wish my finances to look in a year from now? More savings, more charitable contributions, something to show for selling my soul. A clear track to early retirement.
What kind of person do I wish to become while dealing with finances? Educated, confident, secure.
Body and health
How do I intend to honor my body? Move more. Better daily maintenance. Appreciate what it does. Give grace for what it can no longer do. Don’t give up on it.
Each morning, how much energy do I wish to have? I am currently happy with my energy levels.
[I removed a question about weight, because fuck that shit]
How would my body need to change so that I would feel the healthiest and best version of me? Stronger. Confidence in my movement. Better cardio.
Work — business — life calling
How do I wish to feel in my work in a year from now? Competent, balanced, proud.
Who do I need to become to achieve it? Neurotypical. Seriously, though, I don’t see a path from where I am to where I would like to be without sacrificing the balance part I have worked so hard to cultivate.
What does need to happen that I can feel that way? Learn actual functions of my job, produce SOPs, get involved with the social justice groups.
How do I want to feel on a daily basis? Neutral. I would love my days to be without self doubt, negative self talk, fear… I want to go to work, do my job, and spend more of my energy on the other parts of my employment that bring me greater satisfaction.
How can my work positively impact others? Through extra-curricular social activism.
What is my why behind the way I show up in my work? There is no other option.
How do I become the best version of myself in my work? Strike a balance between the me I get to be at home and the palatable me that fits in but doesn’t belong.
Last updated April 02, 2024
sarahbaby. ⋅ March 19, 2024
Love this so much. I appreciate your honesty.