yard monkey in Hi This is Kat!

  • March 7, 2024, 7 p.m.
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Yep, I felt like a yard monkey because I was the first one in the neighborhood to start cutting grass.... everyone walking just stared? Maybe my underwear was showing??? It was just a quick mulch in what leaves there were and try to cut low to get the brown out. I think the next time I cut it… it will look amazing it is so thick and plush already just not real green yet. I put preen on the the flower beds 3 up front and like 4 in the back plus all around the house. That really helps keep weeds down!!! I put down crabgrass control and nitrogen to green it up… in a week or two it will look so amazing!

My tulips are blooming as are my daffodils… and I see little buds on the lilacs! woo hoo!

I need to pick up a few cans of spray paint to touch up some black pots and some olive or teal to paint some wrought iron chairs and table.

Trying to get the yard in shape is a little harder with Mark unable to help much…
I think after this summer I might get a new car.... I love my bimmer but it has 65,000 miles on it now! and is getting old. I am upset because BMW does not make hard top convertibles… so I am looking into maybe a Mercedes, Audi, maybe even a jag? BUT I am not even sure if they do???. If I could find a used 335i only a few years old with a warranty and hard top I might go that way??? makes me discouraged because love my car so much but soon it will become a money pit LOL

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