Schoolies in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!

Revised: 10/12/2014 4:15 p.m.

  • Nov. 20, 2005, 7 a.m.
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Schoolies! - 11/21/2005

<font color="#99ccff">Last Saturday night to celebrate my birthday, my sister-in-law phoned a few of my friends and took me to a male strip club. I have to admit, some of these guys are quite attractive. </font> <font color="#99ccff">To get the evening moving, my sister-in-law Angela started waving a ten-dollar bill, and a male dancer came right up to us. She licked the bill and stuck it on his butt, and this guy started gyrating right in her face. My friend Jane was getting pretty turned on so she took out a fifty, licked it a slapped it on his other butt cheek.</font> <font color="#99ccff">Everyone was looking at me, waiting to see what I'd do.
I was really embarassed because all I had was my bank ATM card. I swiped it down his buttcrack, grabbed the sixty bucks and went home.

<font color="#00ffff">I’m sitting here watching the Australian Idol final.  The voting lines have just closed.  I sent in my vote for ‘Kate’ about 2 hours ago, because I didn’t take into account the daylight savings last time I tried to vote, so I made sure I did this time.  Hahaha Kyle got creamed by the Tuckshop Ladies!  Yes now they are just waiting for the final two to arrive, and the results will be in!  Well I’m sure they’ll drag it out - haha I said drag in a context other than what I’m used to :P…drag…or anything. :P My God they are arriving on motorbikes this year!  I seriously can’t pick whose going to win this, but will probably announce it by the time I finish this entry, cos hopefully they will have said it by them.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">All the good series seem to be finishing up!  The series finale’ of Rove Live is on tomorrow night.  Should be a damn good show, especially if he can get Jerry Seinfeld as a guest.  Wow the girls on TV look pretty.  And I agree with one of my noters who reckons that Emily MASACURED "Since you’ve been gone" - I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t like it.  I hope it doesn’t affect Emily’s result tonight.  Oh well, I’ve got my vote in, but I really don’t mind who wins this.  They both have a hell of a voice.  Ryan Lecke just performed - he won the junior idol - I’m actually hoping they give him a record contract, cos seriously, how many younger Aussie singers are there?  He’d do really well.  Wow, the girls look so good.  1% difference in the voting they reckon.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">I wanna write about Schoolies.  I’m not sure if it’s known in other countries, probably not, but it’s probably the biggest festival in a school-leaver’s life.  It’s a week long party held at the coast (Mainly Surfer’s Paradise) at the end of Year 12.  And it’s being held this week.  I knew the news would make a big deal of this.  One wanker’s even trying to get Schoolies banned because his son was brutally bashed.  I’m sorry that happened, but people go to Schoolies on their own accord, and they know that it’s gonig to be one wild party.  My housemate Nev was telling me a whole heap of stories about it because he used to work at the Woolworths in Cavill Avenue in Surfer’s.  God he reckons they used to sell 3 pallets of Coke and Orange Juice a DAY!  THREE PALLETS!  I guess there are something like 10,000 School-Leavers there, plus another 5,000 non-school leavers ("Toolies") who go anyway.  I reckon it’s great, and the police presence is greater than ever this year.  I’m just worried that the police will ruin some kid’s fun, cos some of them are just wankers looking for any excuse to arrest people.  No-one’s died yet this year, so that’s good, although we’ve got like another 4 days of the festival to go.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">I went to Schoolies back in 2001, when I graduated, with about 10 of my school-mates.  We went to Kawana Waters, which is the Sunshine Coast, rather than the Gold Coast, where most people go.  We had a fantastic time!  I didn’t really drink much back then, so I spent most of my nights preventing most of my mates from falling in the water canal.  One of them caught a massive eel in the canal.  It was gross!  I’d never seen one before that - looked so slimy!  We consumed so much alcohol that week (and a half).  We were having that much fun we stayed longer.  Only 2 of us out the the 12 or so were eighteen years old, me being one of them, so we bought all the alcohol haha.  Main thing I remember was I got real sick one day, had to go to the doctor, and one of the girls walked in on me in the shower.  THAT was interesting! hahaha.  One of my mates passed out in the shower one night cos we couldn’t find him anywhere, and one of the girls didn’t return home one night, cos we later found out she had slept on the beach all night, presumably having sex with some guy she met haha.  It was good times, but I was way too shy back then to fit in like I probably would be able to today.  That was 4 years ago now!  Who woulda thought it’s been 4 years since I graduated from high school.  It’s amazing how much has happened in that time, and the people I’ve met and connected with since then.  I even keep in contact with a few, not many, but a few people from my class, who now happen to live in either Toowoomba or Brisbane.  There are many more I wish I could speak to, but hey that’s just how things work, you lose contact with people.  My friend Billy will be reading this hopefully and reminiscing on the high school days.  We’ve both had different paths and have only really connected after high-school, although he was always friendly to everyone during school too.  I guess it came natually with being school captain.  I was school captain at Millmerran - it was fun, wasn’t too hard, just had to give a few speeches here and there, and go to other schools every so often.  It was hard in the way I felt like I had to live up to scoring high marks though.  I did really well at Millmerran, but Pittsworth was a completely different atmosphere to me and my marks were dismal mostly.  Did well on the odd occasion.  Oh well, if I do go to uni later on, it’d probably be as a mature-age student, cos I don’t think my OP score would get me anywhere hehe.  Luke’s started uni by correspondence now, and seems to be enjoying it.  He’s gunna go far that boy.  Just like Billy will, and Brett.  i’m sure others are doing uni elsewhere but I just dunno where, or what half my old classmates are up to these days.  Would be nice to know.  John’s alwys talking to me about how awesome the school reunion would be.  It would.  Maybe hehe.  It’d be great to see how much everyone has changed, and how many more of the girls are pregnant haha.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">Wow they really are dragging this out haha.  The final 13 are performing at the moment.  At least Emily and kate have arrived.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">I can’t believe they are auditioning for Big Brother contestants again already!  That is so cool!  Big Brother is like one of my favourite reality shows - that and The Amazing Race, but Amazing Race isn’t Australian so it doesn’t win.  Sorry I’m too patriotic hehe.  Not that I have anything against other countries, I love them!  I’ve just never been overseas!  My workmates want me to Audition for Big Brother.  Haha the idea is actually appealing, but I don’t have the self-confidence to to go the audition!  Haha, I’d so chicken out.  But God I love that show so much.  Oh wow, the winner of Australian Idol wins a car as well!  I think Kyle did a pretty good job this year, despite what people say about him.  Sometimes he can be a wanker, sure, but he’s just tryna do his job.  Mark has his days, and Marcia, well she’s just.. GO GIRLFRIEND! haha.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">God, another commercial break.  Looks like its about another 20 minutes til we get a result!  Back to work tomorrow for another week.  Grrr, I so want my holidays haha.  Oh well, can’t get out of it.  i guess I’m jsut tryna get back into the working routine after being in hospital.  I got through the last week okay, but by the time Saturday rolls around, you so don’t wanna be there.  Oh well, I find I’m alright if I go to work with a positive attitude - I seem to get through it a lot better, and am even more chherier than usual with the customers.  I probably should do that more often hehe.  </font>

<font color="#00ffff">I got a letter today from the hospital.  I have to go back for a checkup on the 6th of December.  That’s two days after my birthday!  Yeah I only realised today that it’s 2 weeks til my birthday.  How weird, I’ll be 22!  Oh well 2 more weeks of being 21! :)  I should probably do something for my birthday this year cos I have the day off work, but I can never think of anything.  I hate booking out places, cos I hate parties.  Maybe one with close friends, but it wouldn’t be able to be here, on account of Nev and his keeping-the-place-clean/old-man-syndrome-no-parties-policy.  Haha, we’ve actually been getting along this past week.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">The new single that will be released will be "Maybe Tonight" - whoever wins this will be the artist!  Both girls sing it well, and it is a really nice song.  I think it will do well, and probably go number 1, as all Australian Idol winner songs seem to.  Unless the black eyed peas or madonna keep them at bay, but I doubt it hehe.  They keep doing aerial shots of the Sydney Opera House - wow that place looks amazing!  I hope I get to go there during my next holidays.  I haven’t really decided on that, but it seems to be the most logical place to go, as I haven’t been there since i was like 2 years old, and therefore I don’t remember a thing.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">Kate just did her performance of "The Impossible Dream" - nailed it i reckon.  Emily’s about to do her performance.  I just hope it’s not "Since you’ve been gone" haha - I’m worry but no-one, and NO-ONE, can outsing a Kelly Clarkson song.  It’s like Christina Aguilera’s "The Voice Within" - only she can sing that song.  I’m so happy with this year’s result - cos whoever wins will be absolutely incredible.  Oh good, Emily’s singing "I’m every woman" - she did really well with that one.</font>

<font color="#00ffff">Mum rang me tonight.  Ma fell and cracked her head open so we’ve been a bit worried about her.  my sister Julie has quit Brumbies after 14 years!  She wants to try something different.  I can’t believe she’s been with them for so long!  She could be working for Drug-Arm!  Not sure yet, but I wish her all the luck in the world.  My little bro Craig got a car loan approved, so good on him.  he’s getting a v8 Commodore I believe.  I can just see the cops pulling him over for the heck of it haha.  it was good to hear from mum - she was checking up on me to see if I’m feeling better.  I just told her I still have the cough, and am on the last of my medication, and have started wearing a singlet under my shirt to work, to try to keep my chest warmer, cos I’m in and out of cold temperatures all day.  I’ve been messaging Luke tonight, to see how he’s going.  I’ve been thinking of him so much today.  He told me his mum told him tonight that she’s pregnant!  Oh my gosh, another sibling for him in about 8 months!  He’s already got like 12! hahaha - ahh he’s great with kids.  I can’t wait til I get to hang out with him again.  I think he comes back on Tuesday, I’m not sure.  But I’m just glad he’s been relaxing.  He should feel so much better now hopefully, that he’s got out there and got some fresh air.  I’ve been thinking today how much I would love to have the opportunity to live with Luke again.  But it doesn’t look like that chance will ever happen again - not anytime soon anyway :)</font>

<font color="#00ffff">Oh Come On!  Announce the winner already!!!  Hahaha, I think this show finishes in like 15 minutes.  My friend Addam just called me - he’s hanging out for the result as well.  i jsut talked to him for ages and they STILl haven’t announced it aghhh!!  hurry up already! hahaha.  Addam wants me to go over and check out his new place in the city.  It seems really nice!!  And he has a pool as well.  I’m looking forward to seeing it, and meeting his new housemates, who are both straight apparently.  One’s 31 and the other’s 50 but he reckons they are cool.  Addam is like 16 so it’s quite a mixed house haha.  And will be good to see Addam again and Yuie again as well!  Those two seem to be going well now as a couple, so I’m really happy for them.  </font>

<font color="#00ffff">Ok final commercial break before the winner is announced.  I don’t care who it is, but I want to know WHO the winner is - hahaha, the suspence!  Oh well at least they are keeping the ratings up.   Ok commercial break is over - here comes the verdict!… Don’t read further if you don’t want to know!</font>

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<font color="#00ffff">ok… it’s…</font>

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<font color="#00ffff"><font color="#00ffff">KATE</font> <font color="#00ffff">DeAraugo</font> !!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! YAYY!!!!!!</font>

Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------

god i had to cover that so i woodnt find out. dont ever do that again lol!!!! i loved lee but he left :( i cried. i hope emily wins! i hate kate she never smiles [miss_barbie] 11/21/2005 7:15:41 AM

im going to leavers (schoolies)next week. we call it leavers in wa. I leave on the monday im so pumped aye. Josh reckons i will cheat on him. im not i love him to much. im gonna get so smashed hehehehe. no sex tho! lol
good entry
love lex [miss_barbie] 11/21/2005 7:18:31 AM

Haha - she hates Kate. Shoulda lifted her hand. Yeah - school wasn’t too bad eh. Is there going to be a reunion? My sisters’s grade had one, but she didn’t go. Is anything being planned for your birthday? I’d like to go if there is. If not - then we could do something that weekend - I don’t care what - we could go to the beach or play tennis or something? Or go to the Beat with Luke! Be gd 2 c u [The_Blind_Archer] 11/21/2005 7:22:52 AM

i found you on random and just thought i would say hi. im also 21 years old and from brissy. i still cant get over the fact that we have been out of school for four years…i feel so old! lol. anyways, take care. <3 [astasia] [p] 11/21/2005 7:23:21 AM

Don’t you use MSN anymore? I’ve been online and you just updated. [The_Blind_Archer] [p] 11/21/2005 7:23:50 AM

Ha ha I’ve never seen so much written about Idol before. I wanted Emily to win but I was thinking Kate would win after last night, Emily wasn’t that good. She shouldn’t have sung that Kelly Clarkson song. But I like Kate and I think she’ll do well cos she communicates with the audience more than Emily :) [frangipani] 11/21/2005 8:14:16 AM

Oh and schoolies rules! Heh heh. They could never ban it, it wouldn’t stop the kids from going. [frangipani] 11/21/2005 8:16:33 AM

[Operation Geneva] 11/21/2005 9:29:29 AM

nooooooo you c hanged your photo!
beautiful JOKE, LOL!
[Prince Zidane] [p] 11/21/2005 10:01:53 AM

That was a good entry. Man, I love being at University…I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Stay healthy buddy, cant have you getting sick again!!!! [C-Dub85] 11/21/2005 10:56:26 AM

wow, i wish we had a weekend like that. it sounds awesome! [EternallyHopeful] 11/21/2005 11:30:51 AM

I Love waiting to see who will win…of course here it’s American Idol, but all the same. Do you all have a HOT host too?

Thanks for the note :) [CollegeDude84] 11/21/2005 11:39:55 AM

i like American Idol! The season starts soon! [Archer_Mage] 11/21/2005 12:13:01 PM

I like the idea of Schoolies. And really, Year TWELVE??? Wow. I wish I grew up in Australia! God damn this stupid friggin conservative country! [Nesstwy.] 11/21/2005 12:31:17 PM

they have australian idol??? that SOOOO rocks! i didn’t even know! [LegallyGay80] 11/21/2005 1:09:36 PM

I have never watched Big Brother but I heard it’s good. I wish we had a week of partying like that here but then again I do live in Las Vegas where every day is a party..
Huggs Mermz
[Mermy] 11/21/2005 2:08:58 PM

aww I just read the note you left on Michael’s diary..You are so sweet love ya!!
Huggs Mermz
[Mermy] 11/21/2005 2:25:24 PM

Kate deserved to win.

[tisk] 11/21/2005 4:17:39 PM

This has got to be the most engaging entry i have EVER read on any page. I am a film maker and everything plays in my head as a movie/TV show…and your constant comentary of the evening was fantastic. The random bits about goings on and such with the updates of the Australia Idol episode…it was a show right there in itself! Schoolies sounds awesome…nothing really like it over here. [yellow_bull] 11/21/2005 9:36:19 PM

22’s a good birthday. 21 was probably my fav year so far, but 22 isn’t looking to shabby as of yet.

Have a great night, bud! [yellow_bull] 11/21/2005 9:36:52 PM

Kelly Clarkson is amazing! “Behind These Hazel Eyes” just came on…right now I”m so digging “Because of You.” She is definatly the new up and coming “it.” =) [yellow_bull] 11/21/2005 9:39:12 PM

No schoolies, but beach week sounds like the same thing. [Nightatsea] 11/22/2005 12:27:17 AM

Schoolies is so awesome! I went 2 Noosa…so much fun! Everytime i think of it i worry about my liver - u should see how much we drank! All those idiots who want 2 ban it r tossers. How could u ban schoolies? Ban holidays 4 teenagers in November/December?Stupid!! It’s a rite of passage - we need 2 let loose&party after exams!!!

Glad Kate won (only cos she’s a Bendigo chick!)…but Lee’s better! [jessicah] 11/22/2005 3:04:45 AM

I need your address. You keep moving. You’re driving me bonkers.
We don’t have schoolies over here. We have Senior Trips but it’s a buttload of expense and it’s usually somewhere like Mexico or The Virgin Islands. I couldn’t be bothered. I hated my Senior Year. [Chiquitita] 11/22/2005 2:56:12 PM

lol you gotta go back to the hospital on my 21st bday....kinda odd.....kidding have a great one!!!! [mymindslife] [p] 11/23/2005 1:05:53 AM

I graduated in 2001 too !! And I went to Mooloolaba on the Sunshine coast, rather than the Gold Coast. There was HEAPS of people there still.

I had a great time :o) [Ezra_Medic] 11/23/2005 4:50:22 PM

Last updated October 12, 2014

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