Husband weight loss,cat/dog walk, Palestine war husband bad behavior,charity in my hometown in Just Life

  • Feb. 29, 2024, 10:44 p.m.
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My husband has lost 10 pounds in a month thanks to Inshape WV. I have faith he can do this.. I can’t wait to see him healthier. He has been trying the Paleo diet to the best of his ability but cheated a lot. He didn’t try to exercise or anything. He feels guilty about me paying for his appointments but him being healthier makes his 10 pounds loss worth it. When he gets smaller I hope to find him better clothes. It’s hard to order pants in a 60 waist 28 inseam. He weighs over 400 pounds.

Today I walked the dogs Lemon and Baby on leashes while he walked Cinder a cat we are training to walk on a leash. Talan taught Cinder to climb a tree today. The dogs watched while Cinder went higher. My husband who is taller than me had to take Cinder off the branch and put Cinder in his mesh cat backpack. Cinder was strapped in but loves looking out of the top of the bag.

I asked my husband if he could help me build water barrels for our garden. He kept arguing how we didn’t have any barrels. I showed him 2 easily accessed and several more behind a wall of briars. I asked him to gather what I needed so I can build the barrels. He kept telling me just buy a built one for over $100. No thanks if I build it I can save over half off since I already got the barrels. I just wanted the water barrels to water the garden that I plan to build. He refused to go to Lowe’s with me. He made excuses to get out of it.. he always wonder why I do everything by myself. He makes shit difficult.

Since my TIA stroke I have been exhausted having hard time finding energy to clean up my mom’s hoarder house. I have been bad depressed but that doesn’t matter. To create change I got to find the energy. God knows no one else will.. I been cleaning mom’s house for free. she trashed it and left me to deal with it.. I am trying the best I can just do tired.

I tried to buy him a drink from the gas station he demanded me to use an app that tells if companies support Israel or Palestine. He volunteered me to boycott companies. I told him be more concerned for issues closest to us we can make a difference for. I instead got cussed out and he said I didn’t care if people died in Palestine or not. I asked him since he has so much energy he can get off his ass and go back to work. If he can’t work he can at least volunteer at homeless shelter,animal shelter or habitat for humanity. He said me working at a hotel is a lot easier to do than charity work. He argued till I ignored him. I told him go ahead blow smoke out ur ass I don’t have to listen. He got pissed I gave him the silent treatment.

I told him I plan to gather money by selling food I cook and selling things I make to gather money to help children pay for their school lunches. He screamed what about Palestine. I rolled my eyes told him I am worried about my community if he is so worried about Palestine enlist go fight in your war leave me the hell alone.

I got to go back to work at 5 am in the morning I guess I better get sleep..goodnight.

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