life is balance in Hi This is Kat!

  • Feb. 18, 2024, 9:47 a.m.
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Well.... Mark almost has the 1st week over after his new knee! He is hardly taking any pain meds…

This year we plan on traveling more now that Mark is retired :) I wanted to go to Italy but I think I will wait another year to see if the world is less crazy! BUT for sure a trip to Florida and Colorado or maybe up the east coast would be amazing too.
We have no youthful children, no pets, and my mother is pretty self sufficient at 84 so the time is right

I believe Jo is getting to the point of wanting to quit drinking! Randy and his friend Mark (the homeless guy) keep stealing from her! Mark cleaned out her car and kept all the money and her car was hoarder bad with lots of money just mixed in the trash… one of the two has stollen her insta pot, water pic, fryer, and now they have stolen her gold cross necklace!!! She is pissed…she was crying saying she does not deserve that! I agree but you also have to not breasted all the time so you can be aware and not let homeless people into your homes because you are too lazy to clean up your own mess!
She asked my why that never happens to me… I told her I trust very few and never just let them drive my car like she does, I would never leave them alone in my home much less let them in the next room w/o me. I know she has very little material things of value but she has just let this guy in her condo so he will clean it..... CRAZY!!! After the first time I saw him at her husband shop with me bike without asking permission.... he would have been gone! THERE IS A REASON HE IS HOMELESS AT 50! Plenty of jobs in this area and he had plenty of friend that let him crash at their place until he got back on his feet but he NEVER got another job! So they all got tired of his mooching…

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