billing updates in Second 1st

  • Feb. 22, 2024, 1:56 p.m.
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  • Public

Fixed emails to NOCD, I sent it and this is the response.... and my message back and what have you. I think we are nearly settled now.... 1 pending. (should be $40 copay whenever they figure it out).
To whom it may concern:

I was recently diagnosed with severe anxiety and OCD.
I was undergoing treatment with Celeste Soto with NOCD but that is no longer possible.
I had been checking the billing portion of the website weekly before my appointment to see if insurance had paid their portion so I could start paying the bill but it continued to show “pending”.
I purposefully asked that I be reduced to once a week because of the anxiety it was causing me. It was hindering progress in my treatment for skin picking.

Yesterday, I went to check that my car insurance had been removed from my bank account and found I had over-drafted.
While investigating I found that NOCD had charged me $200 without warning.
I had checked the billing portion the previous Sunday (2-11).
This means after insurance had paid out I was given less than a week to pay my portion.
Double checking my email I did find 1 email amongst 30+ that had stated I had a remaining balance and could contact NOCD for payment options.
This had been sent on (2-15). I was charged on a Sunday at 12:34am (2-19).

I now have had to terminate treatment at this time to work on fixing this wonderful mistake.
I believe this whole issue could have been avoided if I’d been charged the $40 co-pay each week from the beginning.
I now have 3 pending insurance payments and no outstanding balance.
I am hopeful that we can avoid another catastrophe and that you improve your billing practices.
The way I was billed does not allow me to continue care with NOCD.
These current practices are detrimental to care and need to improve.


Hi Jennifer,

My apologizes for the inconvenience. If there had been a copay on the card we would have charged you in the beginning, but we were unaware of your copay. You should have received an email 72 hours prior to the charge. I understand the your financial situation and we are willing to work with you. We can refund you 1/2 of the charges if needed and set you up on a payment plan for the rest of the copays that will post. You should have received an email 72 hours prior to the charge.

All the best,

I have handled the situation. When do you think the current pending $120 will be charged? I’m saying 72 hour and 1 email are not enough. Especially when you have this wonderful app that didn’t show any balance due or send me a notification at all. There are much better ways to notify a client of a balance due. I wasn’t aware anything was due until it came out of my account. I understand that the idea that I don’t check my email that often is not your fault it just seems very wrong that my account would be charged without appropriate consent. In general, people don’t get paychecks in 72 hour increments. Usually it’s weekly or bi-weekly so I would think 7 days or 14 days would be appropriate notification.
Again I do not need you to refund anything because, honestly, my husband and I have both been paid since and we will be prepared for the $120 charge with our next paychecks. We did take a $50 loss in overdraft fees because of the short notification time.

Hi Jennifer,

I completely understand, we get this complaint often. I will forward the suggestion to management about extending the timeframe. Do you want to set up your account on a payment plan, we can do weekly, biweekly, or monthly. This way it would be stable withdrawals.

Also, I would like waive $50.00 on your account in order to cover your overdraft fee. Our intentions are to help, not cause more stress.

All the best,

I really appreciate you making it right. I would like you to note that when you applied the $50 credit all the charges it effected (one for $40 and then $10 off the next one) the $30.00 became available to be paid. I would be happy to make the final payment of $40 on the 23rd after the husband is paid if you could make that available to be paid as well.


Care will still be on pause till we get established in MI. There is far to much going on in life right now to worry about it. I understand the first email may be hard to read I had to do some trickery to even get it to post and really have no idea why it was so difficult.

Last updated February 22, 2024

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