Interlude (Rose Update, Too) in Hello
- Feb. 4, 2024, 9:55 a.m.
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- Public
(100 Days Sober)
Am I not good enough?
Am I not what you want?
Well take this fuckin’ gun
And blow my head off
Cancerslug - The Beyond
I had a dream about someone the other day and since then my heart hurts. The longing I feel of what we used to be. I miss it…
Rosie is still limping but is able to get around on that leg now. Whew! I was seriously worried. She does hide under the bed but she came out into the living room and ate some wet food last night. That’s a good sign! I’ve been keeping a bowl of dry food, water and an improv litter box near the bed.
I love my Rosie Butt and want her healthy. Yes, I call her that. She’s a fluffy Maine Coon and that name just comes to mind.
When we took her to the vet the Dr and tech both commented on how beautiful she is. She is a gorgeous cat. I’ll try to get a video of her later and post it.
Last updated February 04, 2024
fjäril ⋅ February 04, 2024
J.E. fjäril ⋅ February 05, 2024