Dross... in Secrets from myself
- Oct. 30, 2013, 10:04 p.m.
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Third night of bulb planting. I have some lilies to plant too. I have not opened their box. There is time. I keep telling myself.
The sun and sky were fantastic this afternoon. These last few days of daylight time are giving us more afternoon. We need to use it as well as we can. I looked but I didn't take any pictures.
I turned the daily paper's sudoku into a disaster. It was wrong so many ways I couldn't stand it. So I put an X across it and said to heck with it.
I heated up tater tots in the oven - along with fish fillets. We had talked of getting a town pizza but that will be another night.
I have to buy gas tomorrow. And probably some groceries. Corn chips and salsa and fruit. And other stuff.
I hear Fox radio news at work. Every hour the national lead story was about the medical care program. It's been that way for weeks. It apparently is the only thing going on.
Deleted user ⋅ October 31, 2013
I'm somehow not surprised that Fox leads the Republican drumbeat against the AFA. But if it's as bad as they say, it will collapse on its own accord and the Republicans will win in the next elections. Are they afraid it will succeed and be popular? Stay tuned...
I'm planting, I guess, bulbs of a sort, but mine are onion sets and garlics. (I'm less into aesthetics, I like plants one can eat.)
NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 03, 2013
I tried a sudoku last week. I'm sure I've lost brain power.