the battle never ends in my challenge

  • Nov. 5, 2014, 5:17 p.m.
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so after quite the hiatus from working out due to illness i am back at it. i’m super sore, still rocking the high protein diet, i strained my lower back again, nothing bad just soreness and it didn’t want to let me sleep last night. so yeah i’m tired as hell today as well. i will do a full life update entry later. this is about fitness. i have to do a weigh in soon, hopefully i’m finally under 300 lbs, my frame is looking better as well killing the stomach that showed up while i was sick. probably shouldn’t have ordered food the entire time i was sick, but i couldn’t cook. i was in bed the whole time i was home and i rarely got up from my desk when i was at work. pneumonia is no joke. it set me back a little. but i will keep going until i can’t anymore. the goal is still maintenance. still working the p90x programs, switching between 1 and 3 every so often for the change up. i’ll post after the weigh in though it will still be as sporadic as it has been. but i’m still pushing for soreness and my motivation is still there.

Last updated November 05, 2014

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