Almost November now. . . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Oct. 26, 2014, 9:21 p.m.
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. . . see, this is the kind of insight you come here for.

Ten past one on a Monday morning and I’m still up. In denial about having to go to work. Went over to my parents’ place today, to meet up with my brother and the nieces for a lunch out. . . Yesterday we went to London zoo. Which was nice; there were llamas and pygmy hippos amongst other things.

I’ve been having more early nights lately. Admittedly, my idea of an early night is anything before about half twelve, but it’s all comparative. Getting ooooooooold now.

It does feel a little like I’ve stalled a bit. Not in a terrible way; I’m not unhappy, or bored, but it feels like I really need to do something; write music, produce some songs on the laptop, write stories, go do something that’s all me and a bit different to what I’ve been up to lately.

It’s been a long time since I recorded any music, and the band has been not practicing the last few weeks. In fact, we haven’t practiced since New York, if I recall. . . .


The kitty has been generally adorable lately, in between being a demanding pain in the neck. So, pretty much standard kitty behaviour. He’s sorted out how to break into his automatic feeder now, so that’s useless.

I really should be in bed, but the nice thing is that I’m past the point where it’ll make any difference, so what’s an extra half-hour less sleep between friends?

It’s just a pity there’s no cake. There should always be cake. This, I think, is true.

unimportant November 18, 2014

Here is a cake I think you would like:

zizi42 unimportant ⋅ November 23, 2014

Wooo llama-cake! :-)

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