Uncluttered in Each Day

  • Jan. 17, 2024, 2 a.m.
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I’m feeling really anxious. The only thing I can think of that would trigger this is the meeting M and I had with our financial planner, “Katia”. We talked for two hours about where we are financially, how 2023 was a terrible year and our finances really took a hit, partly out of hedonism because everything sucked, partly out of necessity (a new roof was desperately needed). So we have a plan, we’ll meet again before the end of February in order to plan for tax season, and then M and I have the task of following Katia’s directions. Both M and I are excited, but I’m guessing I’m feeling anxious because I’m used to being the only one who sees my spending, and the hedonist in me doesn’t really want to be so responsible.

Bridget’s mom’s voice is in my head, “I’m like the grasshopper who sang all summer. I’m like Germaine sodding Geer!”

Today is the official start of the Uncluttered course. The first exercise is to set your goal(s). They offered these prompts to help us dig into our “why”.

What benefits do you need the most?
a disruption to the consumer mindset. comforting, inspiring surroundings. mental clarity. financial responsibility. removing money from being a factor that holds us back.
What things, other than material possessions, do you look forward to focusing your resources upon?
I want the fattest RRSP and a packed TFSA by the end of the year. I want to increase my charitable donations. I want a nest egg so M and I can do the things we talk about doing but never do.
What type of example do you desire to become for the people closest to you?
The cautionary tale. Hehe, jk. Being an example is not a desire of mine.

I find it interesting that money is the driving factor behind my desire to declutter. I have so much abundance in my life already that if I never bought another item for pleasure, I’d still have enough to get me through literal years of my life. There is both a comfort and a burden in that. I loathe the idea, but I think I’m going to have to “destash” my yarn. I said I’d never do it, but I think I probably will in the end.

See, writing is always the answer. I don’t feel nearly as anxious anymore.

sarahbaby. January 17, 2024

I saw someone on insta talking about how a tidy clean fridge full of healthy delicious food brings financial abundance, through the lens of feng shui. And it made so much sense to me! A tidy and peaceful environment frees mental space to bring in money and manage existing money better. Calm begets calm. I’m so excited for you!

Ms. Fury sarahbaby. ⋅ January 21, 2024

except in an adhd fridge hahaha where all good foods go to die.
They're right though. When you remove decision making from the equation it's a lot easier to maintain good habits. It's not chips or fruit, it's fruit or fruit. So many people don't know about or understand decision fatigue. It's a huge road block for me making good choices.
I really hope to get many of the roadblocks out of my way by the end of this 12 week program.

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