Oct. 30, 2013, 12:54 a.m.
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I need to write a check to the local Democrats. I need to put in an envelope and address it and put a stamp on it and put it in the mailbox.
Yup. I need to do that.
I got two bags of daffodils planted and one of tulips. Go me.
Have a good night everyone. Take care. Be wise. Wear a sweater.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ October 30, 2013
Does Gracie know that Hans is drinking in her creek?
The culvert looks warped. Is it wider and flatter across the bottom or is that an illusion?
woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ October 30, 2013
I think the culvert is made that way on purpose so when there is a lot of water it will go through better. It's a pretty line, though isn't it?
Just Annie ⋅ October 30, 2013
I love sweaters. Love, love, love them. But now that I'm old and hot (as in menopause hot, not sexy hot), I dress in layers. T-shirts and cardigans. With pockets for my tissues. (Good grief, I'm turning into my mother.)
woman in the moon Just Annie ⋅ October 30, 2013
We all turn into our mothers. Sad but true. Except my mother never got old so I don't have the example. Deep thought there.
Just Annie woman in the moon ⋅ October 30, 2013
Not yet. The plan is to try again Thursday. I don't know if Ella is stubborn, shy (we had quite a crowd there) or just really, really wants to be a Halloween baby. She's just not ready yet, but she can't stay where she is forever!
noko ⋅ October 30, 2013
What a fascinating photo. It took awhile for my eyes to figure out what was going on in it. Love how the light is concentrated on the water flowing.
I also lost my mother early and so don't have her as an example either. But I am sure I am very much like her. Except she wore dresses and I wear sweats.