perfect weekend in Each Day

  • Jan. 21, 2024, 9:25 p.m.
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Last week was decent. I took on cleaning out my sections group email, which had 2,800 unsorted emails in the inbox. Srsly. That was Monday, by Friday there was 1,700. M and I had lunch together in an always-empty lunch room in my building, so it’s nice that we have a place we can eat away from our desks. I never imagined living and working with my partner, having lunches now that we’re both on straight days has been lovely. Friday afternoon Old Boss called me into his office. He’d written the feedback note. sigh. Oh well. He did put in the note that I failed the test by 0.6 seconds. He also put that the CO does not want to pursue any administrative action. When I told Old Boss that I was still going to the gym, he suggested I put my own feedback note in as a show of changed behaviour/intentional improvement.

I got home, M got off work early, we ate some weed, had dinner, watched shows and a movie, and banged, of course.
Saturday M decided that he wanted a couple knit sweaters off Marketplace, so we drove to a nearby community and he’s been raving about them ever since. We played video games, watched shows, watched another movie, and banged. It was a bit epic. After M said he came for so long he began to wonder if he was going to stop. One of my favourite things about our connection is how we get to this point where all we can do is giggle with each other. It’s like, pleasure, intensity, overstimulation, unbridled laughter.
And then we went downstairs and had a mini feast of peanuts, strawberries, chips, and then we split a lemon square. I passed out in the king bed, and at some point, though I have zero recollection, made it back to my bed.
And then M woke me up saying that we should watch supercross. At 7am. hahah

I was supposed to hang out with Red this morning, but I just wasn’t feeling leaving the house. I had things I wanted to accomplish. Namely cleaning my hallway closet, that had become a dumping ground. It is supposed to be my closet, but M’s stuff was taking over. M has almost the entire mudroom. In fact, out of the 7 closets in our house, M has 4. And one of mine is basically empty (it has my dress uniform, some Christmas ornaments, and our robot vacuum).
One of my big goals of this Uncluttered course is to give homes to the items that end up in random places and you never know where it is when you need it. So all the shoe stuff (cleaner, polish etc) is in a box. All the vacuum accessories are in a box. All the lightbulbs are in a box. I’ve already run out of boxes, but that’s ok, I’ll find more.
At some point I found a rug that matches M’s room’s colour scheme, and they frigging delivered it to us! He’s happy to have a rug underfoot now. Hopefully it helps keep the room just a tad warmer.
We also had decided on Saturday to watch a Sunday afternoon movie, Star Trek: Generations. We made nachos and watched the movie, then hung out in between doing laundry and other chores.

It was such a simple weekend. We effectively did nothing. But I feel good about the nothing we did.

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