We'll see in Adventures in paradise

  • Sept. 26, 2014, 8:32 p.m.
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I went into my facebook settings and added two people from my work to the ‘People who can’t see this’ in the tagging section, haha. I have no idea if I’ll call in sick that night yet, I just know I’ll feel really guilty for doing so, it’s who I am. I am someone who worked casually for over two years, so sick days weren’t an option, and even when I worked full-time, I barely took a sick day, so nothing’s really changed.
So hey, I’m taking a precaution, you know, just incase I do feel ballsy next Saturday and decide to throw in a sickie.

I’ve worked a fair bit this week, which has been a mostly good thing. It’s kept my mind off stupid depressive shit like I was thinking last week, for one thing. Extra money will be handy too. I should actually be able to put some toward my savings for the first time in what feels like forever. It’s been sitting idle around the same amount for months. I guess that will happen when I’m earning enough to cover my bills and rent but not really enough to splurge.
Stupidly, because of the extended hours I’ve worked this week, I had a bit of that alarming uncomfortable feeling I used to have when I worked full-time or when I did a ridiculous amount of consecutive shifts at the servo. That feeling of feeling obligated and trapped and having to live by someone else’s clock because of too many work commitments.
It gave me a bit of a kick in the teeth. When/If I get another job, that feeling will probably be quite frequent, as much as I don’t like to admit it.
My life is pretty good right now. It’s not that I need extra money, it’s just that I’m not really feeling like I’m progressing very far in life without it. It goes back to one of my favourite sayings which is in the quotes section on my Facebook (not that anyone sees that anymore since the settings changed) which is “People sacrifice their time for money. It’s like they take out a mortgage on their own lives.”
I have always been majorly on the life side of the work/life balance, and it scares me to think I’ll turn into some of my friends who seem to just work, work, and work.
Sure, they’ll have something to show for it. Materialistic maybe? Or maybe the work ethic will or has attracted a partner. I realize I will have to grow up and rejoin the masses.
There’s actually been a few jobs I’ve looked at over the past couple of months that have appealed to me, which is a nice change from everything coming across as monotonous as hell. I guess I’ll never know until I take the leap.

My friend Scott has a room available. He literally live around the corner from me. It’s $40 a week more expensive than here though, but I’m unsure if it includes bills or not. Brandan (his current housemate) must be moving down south I believe. He’s always seemed like the sort of guy who would suit a Sydney lifestyle better, in my opinion. Kinda crazy, overly-sexual, blokey. And Scott’s lovely too, around my age. A higher rent might even entice me toward that second job more?
Or I could continue paying lesser rent here. I love living with Nick. The other two are kinda meh-housemates though. Nick added me to Snapchat and I’m unsure if he realises I can see his Storyline, and there was a video of him celebrating with a caption saying ‘Jeff’s gone to work!’ (Jeff being the annoying housemate). Haha!
It’s just strange how these things seem to pop up at the most random times.

Omg, talk about embarrassing at work tonight. This Asian couple were looking at the dishwashing liquids and asked me which one would be safe for babies. I, being me, didn’t really think too clearly, but recommended to them that they go for one of the plant-based ones, as they don’t use any harsh chemicals. Sure, decent enough customers service, I figured. I went back to do my thing and then realised I probably should have suggested the antibactial tablets that are actually IN the baby section (duh, Matt, duuuuh). So I quickly ran around to grab a pack and went back to my aisle and asked them if this is what they were looking for (showing them the packet).
I got the reply, “Err, that wasn’t us.”
LOL. I had completely gotten my Asians mixed up. The ones I ha spoken to must have moved on elsewhere and another Asian couple replaced where they were in the same area. I was SO embarrassed. I am pretty hopeless at remembering what customers look like at the best of times. I sometimes make a mental note on what they are wearing, but obviously I didn’t this time.
Anyway, the guy was pretty cool about it and goes, “Maybe in a few years, mate.”
I just wanted to avert my eyes. How unintentionally racist of me to get my Asians confused!

But yeah, I have one more shift to get through, tonight. It’s 5:30am here but I’ve been at Vish’s again, watching Queer As Folk. I keep drinking way too much coffee there, as they have a machine and all and make it for me. Probably not the healthiest.
Gym is going well though. I’ve been going every second day and I’m enjoying it. Having a good week with that at the moment and feel like I look okay looking in the mirror. Just have to try to keep that up so that I feel good about myself.

My friend Matt is back from England, for good. Kind of strange how one friend named Matt moves back here for good, whilst another has just gone to live and work there. Anyway, this Matt pretty much immediately said he wants to catch up. I said I can do Sunday, although I’m not overly keen on it. He’s fine to hang out with and chat with but he’s very sexual and I’m very not interested. He’s the one who got me into the threesome situations a couple of years back, including that hot encounter where I woke up with the hot surfer dude on top of me. That was pretty funny actually as he was more into me than he was Matt. But yeah, that’s what Matt does, freely sexual and given that he’s been in London around two years, he’s probably slept with the whole city also. So trying to avoid having sex with him or him and a multiple of people is going to be hard to avoid. I think he just assumes it’s okay, when really, it’s not. It’s not really me. It never has been. It’s certainly gotten me into some interesting situations though, such as that time on the Gold Coast when I was meant to be participating in a threesome with him and this Kiwi guy, but spent most of the time in the bathroom freaking the fuck out at what was happening in the room outside.
Much prefer things on my terms rather than having them pushed onto me and me just ‘going with the flow’, but then my spontaneity kicks in and next thing I know… and it’s probably why Matt is the way he is. All the threesomes I’ve had (three) have involved him, so it seems like he’s my ‘threesome buddy’ or something.
I can’t exactly avoid him though. Go there, be polite, hang out, go home. Alone.
Yeah, we’ll see.

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