All Bad Things Come in Threes... in The Past

  • Sept. 30, 2014, 5:40 p.m.
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I may be repeating things I’ve already said here, but I’m too lazy to go back and check and this month’s been a pain in my tookus.

So Mom is out of the hospital (yay!) She got released on Thursday (Or was it Friday? Can’t remember, think it was Thursday though). She’s still really weak but we’re pressing her to get up and move around. She has a walker to help get her places, and she uses it a lot, more in the evening than in the morning, but still. It almost seems as though she has a limited amount of energy and the more she uses in the morning, the less she has in the evening, but even so, she’s getting better and stronger every day.

Aunt Louise is here with her. And she’s driving us all nuts. I don’t know what it is about Louise, up till this year she never bugged me like this, but it seems as though my skin’s rubbed raw when it has anything to do with her. She’ll say things, and I know that she doesn’t mean them in a negative way, but they’ll come across as such. ::shakes her head:: She’s insulted my home, insulted my hobby, and just, flat out, been insulting. But in a backasswards way that I can’t get angry about and shake my finger over. I don’t know. It’s just… gaaah.

So, Mom going into the hospital was the first bad thing that happened.

Then the alternator broke down in our car. There wasn’t an indication that anything was wrong… Just woke up one morning and the car was saying “check battery systems”. We were able to get it to the shop that we always go to in time for everything to pretty much go kaput. Thomas was really awesome though, he fixed the alternator as well as the serpentine belt and gave it an oil change. Granted everything came to 420.00 but it was still less than if I would have gone anywhere else. Gotta love family, no?

Then, not two days later, my computer implodes. Well, not really implodes, but it did decide it didn’t want to work any longer. I’d go to boot it up and it would flash “Hard disk not found” and then wouldn’t find the operating system. I took it to a shop in town and they said that as far as they could tell with a quick look, everything else looks fine, but the main hard drive is pretty much gone. They quoted me 175.00 for fixing it – that’s switching out my main and back up hard drives, putting Windows 7 on it (my choice, I hate 8), putting Microsoft Office on it, and a really good spyware/anti-virus. Not a bad cost, but it’s just… hard with everything else.

I wouldn’t bother with the computer except for the fact that I kind of need it to do my buisness stuff. There is the second computer, but with Mom home from the hospital and whatnot, I don’t want to kick her off her computer, or out of her spot so I could dick around and come up with good pictures of jewelry. >.< Oh, that reminds me, I need to find my SD card with all the pictures on it, I think it’s in my other bag. Need to check on that.

So, yeah, computer’s out till Wednesday, possibly Thursday.

Back to Aunt Louise!

She’s driving Mom nuts. Well, she’s driving me nuts too, but Mom’s the most notible. Louise’s job, and my job, when it comes to my Mom, is to keep an eye on her breathing and making sure she doesn’t over exert herself. Louise is taking it way too far, spazing out every time Mom so much as gets up and wanders around the house. We don’t have a big house, there’s walls everywhere that Mom can cling to if she needs to, and she does need to work on walking and getting stronger, but Louise follows her around like a mother hen and just… yeah. I know that she’s feeling the same way I am, “Holy shit, I almost lost Lynn/Mom”, but damn. Then again, I’m not much better, but I constrain myself to just petting Mom’s arm or leg whenever I’m near her. She tolerates it because she knows that it makes me feel better.

But yeah, everything’s getting back to normal again, thankfully.

Tonight I’m going to work on maile, gotta get my stock up and whatnot. I’m going to have to go to Maili’s house and look through the stock I have so I know what I have to make for these first shows.

And I’m going to have to finally complete this damned order for metal.


Last updated December 25, 2016

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