Good day... in Secrets from myself

  • Oct. 28, 2013, 6:30 p.m.
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  • Public

.... at work.


Put double sided tape on Cheeto signs that end up on convenience store doors. Black and orange with the Cheeto cheetah on them. Three strips per sign.

Got ink for, caught sheets, cleaned up for five colors of IceHawk graphics for Zevia, natural non calorie sodas sweetened with stevia.

Weeded excess adhesive from Bud Light lettering. I have a really good method for getting the scrim out of the R in circle for registered trade mark. And for getting the center of the R out of the R. It involves an Exacto knife and steady nerves.

Slit backing for adhesive backed Recyling signs.

Signed for UPS delivery. Cute, friendly UPS guy.

Lent support to an afternoon of getting an ink to match.... until it finally did.


Took two walks on first two breaks. Cold but nice anyway.

Read beginning of Ian Frazier article on NYC's homeless in New Yorker. They more than fill Yankee Stadium. Not that they go to Yankee Stadium, but if they did.

Received two home-made dog cookies for Gracie.

Picture is from an old old walk. Hickory trees. I wonder if they are still there.

hickory photo DSC00001.jpg

NorthernSeeker October 29, 2013

Waving at you...

You are pretty versatile at work...lots of interesting projects going on. I know I would get a kick out of making the advertising signs I see around the world.

Beret October 29, 2013

Glad to find you over here!

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