71 days until spring in Hi This is Kat!

  • Jan. 8, 2024, 2:06 p.m.
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....but when I ask Siri how many days until spring it says 140 days until spring???? My Siri is stupid!

At times I think it could be my southern drawl that makes Siri seem stupid.. maybe it doesn’t understand me???

I adore old movies. We watch a lot of old TV I love Perry Mason for some reason. I told Mark I feel the more you see a style of decor the more you tend to be drawn to it…thinking that is why I am loving MCM decor lately? Just like when French county was popular I hated it at first.... then after seeing it so much online and in magazines I began to like it. I never could like the white kitchen phase… nice to see the warm colors coming back into kitchens along with dark wood,

My home is a melting pot of decor eras hahahah but they blend well because I have a large home with large rooms.I still love the fact the most modern era was like 80 years ago during the atomic age in the mid 1940’s then the hippie era kinda blended perfectly into that style

If you have snowy weather be kind to the birds and squirrels.... feed them seeds or mill worms. Take care of your birds in the winter and they will stay all year.

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