Preparing for my future in Adventures in paradise
- Sept. 10, 2014, 12:18 p.m.
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Today was one of those annoying, depressive days where I did nothing to help the situation by staying cooped up in the house all day. I did mow the grass in the backyard though, so that was one thing, but I pretty much spent the rest of the day looking at job ads, hoping something would stick out to me.
Not much did. The one I was going to apply for is no longer there, and the one that did stick out is in an industry I don’t feel like I’d enjoy, let alone have no experience in, so I resided to the fact to just try again another day.
The ironic thing is that I was actually offered an extra shift at work tonight, but tonight’s the night all my workmates were headed out drinking and going to watch a wet t-shirt competition, and it was even going to be free alcohol all night. I, being me, opted not to attend, and because I didn’t want to go to that or be pressured into going, I turned down the shift as well. It’s not like I was doing anything overly exciting. I figured it was just easier to say no. It’s not that big of a deal, really. I’m kind of hoping I’ll get offered a shift tomorrow night instead (as I have the past two weeks) as that would be better for me, but it probably won’t happen now. Like I said, not a big deal, just means another night off. I just hope I’m not in a funky mood like I was tonight.
I didn’t even wanna go hang out with Vish and James. I feel like I see them WAY too much. That’s a terrible thing for a friend to say, but I really like my ME time, a lot. It probably explains why I’ve been single forever also!
So I dunno, I just felt a bit down, moreso than depressed. I couldn’t find anything that I felt I could do in the job searching, but maybe it’s just not the right time. There are a few Christmas positions coming up this time of year that I was sort of looking at, but naturally they would end around January etc, but I guess it could be something fun?
That’s my problem. I don’t want just a mundane job. I keep my eye out for the more quirky-written ads that don’t seem like they are stuck up or quickly written. The amount of ads I see with spelling mistakes in them is pretty alarming sometimes. I figure if employers can be picky with whom they choose, I can have the same right, right?
That’s how I got the servo job, because the ad was written differently, and when I started there, I found out the ad was written by the invoice lady, who was a complete bundle of joy to work with. It did turn out to be one of the most interesting jobs I’ve ever had in my life, pros and cons, like anything I guess.
I can’t see myself doing a job that involves just the phone, like a contact centre etc. I reckon I would hate that, as I hate the phone as it is. I hate taking phone calls, I hate making phone calls. I only ever use my phone to text and internet, it’s just how I roll, so when my friends ring me, I even hate that as I feel restricted. It just takes up one of my hands and I’ve never been good at natural conversation anyway. My friend Carly rings me and rambles on and then when I don’t say much, she’s always like ‘so how about that weather, huh?’. It almost comes across as bitchy. I don’t have anything interesting to say, so I just don’t. I don’t even know why some of my friends keep ringing me, really. If there was a way to have a phone without the phone calls, I probably totally would go for it.
I can feel myself going for another somewhat physical indoors job, as that’s what I’ve always enjoyed doing. I’m really limiting myself though, as I really want to work it around my current jobs hours, without tiring me out too much. It has to be feasible and still allow me to get in a decent block of sleep, because let’s face it, me without sleep is like a bull in a China-shop. I get agitated, I don’t think clearly, I’m a mess.
I distrust myself because of sleeping in last weekend when I was meant to meet my friends, and if I do that even once with a place of employment, well, I’m pretty much gone aren’t I? But like one of my favs said, a job is different and it generally takes priority, which it totally would.
I keep focusing on the future things that would change if I got a second job.
I’d be able to live by myself for the first time ever. How amazing would that be? or even with just one housemate I’d be happy with. Right now I have three, and we are SUCH a mix. I’ve never seen the house this diverse before. Andrew will be stunned when he meets the two new guys, as he knows me and Jeff. It’s Jeff’s third time living here.
A car would probably be off the cards for a little bit, as it is crazily expensive to keep and maintain a car in Australia. I’ve had two cars in the past, both shitboxes, but certainly convenient. It’d depend how much I was earning post-tax, as a second job would be taxed highly for me.
I still haven’t decided if I’d want full time, part-time or casual. I’m looking at all three options when I’m searching. It really depends what sticks out, but the big one is if they allow flexibility. I mean, really, it shouldn’t be overly hard to find a job that allows finishes before 7pm on Mondays and 6pm on weekends. I can even work after those times on all other days.
My friends I’ve told I’m looking for a job all think it means I’m leaving my current job. That’s certainly not the case. I just want something kind of different but in a field I still have experience in. It can’t be a conflict of interest with my current employer either, as they are big on that. Or if it is, I have to tell them, but from having worked with the company for so long, that’s generally not a good idea either, so it’s just easier to avoid working for competitors in the first place. Luckily most of those jobs haven’t really come up in my searches anyway, or I skim over them.
My LinkedIn profile is pretty up to date, I feel. I’ve never really used LinkedIn at all in the past, but I do have one just in case. That job I did want to apply for last week had a section where you could just sign in with LinkedIn and it would link your details, which was pretty cool. I keep looking on that site for other vacancies, but most are in too far away locations to really bother with.
I still hold hope though.
I suppose I was a little down today also because of this, and thinking about how long I have lived in this place. Just stuns me how fast time flies. Especially with this TimeHop app where I see photos from 6 years ago, and they still have the same background of this house I’m still in all that time ago. I feel like I need a change. They say a change is as good as a holiday, and by golly do I believe that!
I also need to take charge of my life and do something. Living week to week and being spontaneous is all well and good, but it’s not really getting me anywhere in the long-run is it?
And I’m only getting older. The older I get, I feel the more ageist quite a few employers can be. Not all. They are the kind of employers I’m trying to avoid getting involved with anyway.
Hopefully something snazzy and somewhat fun with cool people comes up sometime soon. I’ve been keeping my eye out for months now, but lately I’ve been sticking to it more.
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