I have the right to remain silent. in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Oct. 26, 2013, 12:04 p.m.
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  • Public

But I won't lol.

I have to brag about my kid (as usual). I don't do it to throw it in other people's faces that my kid is better than their's. She's not. I brag because she is my kid. Mine. I am the one raising her and she is turning out pretty darn awesome and I couldn't be more proud! I'm so ecstatic that I haven't damaged her. I haven't ruined her. She is turning out to be everything I am not. It's looking more promising each and everyday that I am NOT my mother. I don't parent the way my mother did. To me, that is a feat I never thought I would accomplish!

We had our parent/teacher conference on Thursday evening. She made the A/B Honor Roll (which I was a tad concerned because 4 weeks earlier she had all A's and now she has 3 B's. Granted two of those B's she missed an A by 1 point). But still, every report card since the beginning of 3rd grade has been either A/B or A Honor Roll. I was expecting this year to be different since she is now in 6th grade and things are a bit more difficult for the kids with changing classes, having so many different classes versus staying in one class as they did in elementary school. Add in her after school activities and well, I thought she might be stretching herself a bit thin and something was going to have to suffer, the most obvious, her school work. But nope. She's doing well in that department.

When the mid-semester report came out, she informed us that her teacher was recommending her for an advanced literature class because she was reading at an 8th grade level. So she started that this past Monday. She is one of 4 6th graders in the class. So far she is enjoying it.

So at the parent/teacher conference, the teacher asked us to give her permission to have The Child tested for the gifted program. We agreed but I also informed her that The Child had been tested twice previously and failed the test both times. Even though she presented as gifted. She said she would work with The Child extra to prepare her. I told her that was fine, as long as The Child didn't feel pressured into it. If she makes it, she makes it. If she doesn't, she doesn't. We are fine with her (The Child) just the way she is.

Then her teacher asked us for permission to recommend The Child to be put into an advanced robotics course next semester. As in robots. As in learning to build robots. From scratch. Wait, what? MY child is capable of that? How can she be half of me yet have the brain power for that? Good for you kid!

We spoke with her band teacher also. I wanted to because I wanted to find out if we were wasting money on the monthly rental or if we needed to start saving up money to buy the trumpet outright. Ultimately it is up to her, but according to her band instructor, if she wants to take it seriously then she has the makings to go far with it. So far she has made 100's on ALL her tests. He said he was impressed with what she has accomplished in such a short time, with this being the first time to play an instrument. He especially was proud that she takes the initiative with staying after school 2 to 3 times a week for extra practice. He said it shows dedication on her part, and her grades show that her hard work is paying off. So I guess after the holidays I will work on saving up the money to pay her trumpet off so that we don't have to pay the monthly rental fee.

She got glowing remarks from her creative writing, P.E. and computer teachers also.

All in all, we have a well rounded, hard working, well mannered, dedicated student child. It blows my mind that she is part mine. My teacher's always said that I was a dreamer, I never concentrated, I never applied myself. Which is true of any abused child.

Anyway, my kid Rocks!

Now we just wait and see if she can keep it going. I told her after basketball is over, that was it with sports (other than karate) until the spring, if she wanted to play any then. Mama needs a break lol plus she will be able to concentrate more on the gifted testing. She said that she really wants to make it. If so, then she needs to be more available for that. So, only time will tell.

So, some news on the work front ...

Rachel was fired this past Tuesday. Yep, you read that right. Fired. Of course she says she was planning on quitting anyway. Whatever.

On Wednesday morning my phone rings & I see it is Joleen. I immediately groan, knowing I don't want to answer it, but also knowing that if I don't, she'll just keep calling till I answer. Honestly, I am so sick and tired of listening to her & Rachel complain about each other. Every time Joleen has a grievance with Rachel, she comes running to me. Sometimes only after she has gone to her son, Bill, the owner, first. I'm not a referee people.

Anyway, I knew she was going to bitch about Rachel somehow. So I go ahead and answer. The first thing she says is, "You never got this call." I have to laugh at how she thinks she is being covert and stuff. She's 76 years old and everything is "We never discussed this." LOL. So I agreed and she said, "First, checks are here. Second, Rachel ahs been fired. But you didn't hear that from me. So when you come in to pick up your check, act surprised when Bill tells you. Because Bill wants to talk to you. But you don't know anything okay?"

Damnit Joleen, what did you do? We've had this conversation before. I do not want to be the general manager.

So I agreed and assured her that I saw nothing, I heard nothing, I knew nothing and hang up. For once, I did not want to go get my check. I really didn't need the money that bad did I?

But I did. And my worst fear never came to life. Whew! I was NOT offered GM and I am so very thankful!! Seriously, I did not want to have to tell him no if he offered.

Things will definitely be interesting around here for a while. At least until he hires a new GM. Then we will have to adjust to that change. As long as people leave me alone, we'll get along just fine.

Unless you owe me a shift change and refuse to do it. Then I get pissy. Because I have asked all 3 desk clerks for one of them to switch with me so that I can have Nov. 9th off and so far no one will. That's okay, I will ask Bill to work it for me and see if he can't get someone to sing a different tune. And no, I won't work a holiday in exchange. I've already given up Christmas night in exchange for Shelia working for me the night of The Child's birthday. I won't give up anymore holidays off. Especially when you already owe me. So we shall see what happens.

Till next time ...

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