change of plan in keeping it postive

  • Sept. 5, 2014, 3:09 p.m.
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  • Public

I had today all plotted out. I was going to the movie about Cantinflas - at 10:40 a.m., then on the way, drop off the packages at the post office (there’s one at the mall), and pick up my change of address form (from mailbox to post office box). After the movie, I’d go to lunch at Onami - a WONDERFUL buffet with sushi, and many other foods.

And then I missed the 9:30 bus. I might have made it anyway, but I wasn’t paying attention and missed my stop. There was NO way I’d make the movie I was planning on seeing.

So, change of plans: I went to see The One-Hundred Foot Journey. It’s not a wonderful movie, but enjoyable, with Helen Mirren as a restauranteur in France, an Indian family moves in across the road and opens their own restaurant. Competition ensues. Romance ensues. FOOD is the star of the movie.

So, the I went to Cheesecake Factory. I eat their avocado egg roll appetizer, and one of their salads (I took about 1/2 home). I still haven’t mailed the packages yet. Maybe I’ll do it tomorrow, move the laughing yoga till Sunday afternoon rather than Saturday morning…

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