Just kiss me baby, and tell me twice in A Life Uncommon
- July 30, 2014, 10:08 p.m.
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That you're the one for me.
Man, I'm having an epic manic day. I tried to work but ended up distracted by facebook. I did get SOME work done, yay me. I tried to clean but kids. I tried to be productive outside but ducks. So we came back in and I made an awesome dinner of braised chicken thighs, rice, and peppers. I turned on some music and I've been singing and dancing, and I guess that's what I've needed all day. It's helping. :)
I'm just so..uplifted today. Its weird. I hate that I question good moods.
I want Jack to come home from work so I can kiss him! I also want sex but that's unrelated. Well, semi related.
I also posted my intro in a group on facebook for "wild women" - I think this segment goes into The Path book but whatever. It's less about crazy white girls and more about finding yourself, and talking to other people who are interested in the same journeys you are. And holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck. So many people out there who respect me, who have love for me even though I am nobody, who validate my "weirdness" because they share my experiences or wishes. It's just nice to not feel alone in the world. I know I'm a minority in a lot of things (my natural lifestyle, being so young and moderately balanced, my dreams of my homesteading life, my dabbles into spirituality and traditional medicines and the like) and it's... kind of nice to have someone else say "Hey, I really like trees too!". (I really do like trees!)
I had a talk with Jack about sativa vs indica and he seems keen on finding a sativa strain to help with my anxiety. I can't help but pause for LOL's.....this is not the life I dreamed of. This is not my life. Is this my life? What the hell, Universe?
Also, I find it rather interesting that knowing the difference between sativas and indicas is actually not that common a thing. Most people look at me like I've got three heads. Or maybe it's the fact that I have smart discussions about marijuana? I guess that could be surprising.
Joshua just ran by me, pausing only to whisper, "I sharted."
I win at parenting, right?
Man, I am really sorry for this all over the place post. at least I wrote. YAY ME.
Sagittarienne ⋅ July 30, 2014
i love you, you wild woman. ;)