Ohhh whoa-oh ohhhh in A Life Uncommon

  • Sept. 5, 2014, 1:12 p.m.
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We’re going to see The Black Keys and Cage The Elephant tonight!!!

I am supposed to be working and/or cleaning and/or eating but…I have two loads of laundry to fold and I wiped down the bathroom, so that’s a start right?!

My head hurts again this morning. I really think I need to figure out that shit too.

It would be great if my body would stop falling apart on me. THhaaaaanks.

So, tonight..
Zebra striped shirt, jean shorts, purple/gray converse, purple nails?

I’m a lonely boy, I”m a looonely boooy.

I need to go do animal chores too :(

Joshua said to me yesterday, hugging my waist, “Mom, you are my best mommy.”

<3 <3 <3 <3

I let him know he was my very best Joshua ;) I love when they get old enough to say things like that! It just slams into your heart, and makes it easier to get through the hysterical tantrum moments.

Gavin snuggled up into bed with me this morning because he “needed mama”. I’m okay with that.

Nicholaus? Oh well let me just leave you with a fantastic little story.

Picture this, I’m in our bathroom with the door locked, doing the morning duty.
knock knock knock Hey mom? Uh, there was…there was a jumping spider in there. Like right by the toilet. Just wanted you to know.

So obviously I finished pooping with my feet lifted off the ground while texting my sister that I was pretty much GOING TO DIE.

I never did see the spider. I did, however, decide I wasn’t gonna clean anymore in there. :P

Who's Laughing Now? September 06, 2014

I know precisely one Cage The Elephant song, and that's because I'm a gamer, but the one song I heard was pretty good, so have fun.

Life.Uncommon Who's Laughing Now? ⋅ September 06, 2014

Aint No Rest For The Wicked, which meaaaans you've played the new Need For Speed, yes?

You should look up Come A Little Closer. :)

Who's Laughing Now? Life.Uncommon ⋅ September 06, 2014

Wrong! Ain't No Rest For The Wicked, which means I've played Borderlands. To death.

Life.Uncommon Who's Laughing Now? ⋅ September 06, 2014

BORDERLANDS, I forgot about Borderlands. It didn't enthrall me enough to stick in my brain I guess.

Who's Laughing Now? Life.Uncommon ⋅ September 06, 2014

I liked them both, but I never finished the first one and now I probably never will.

Fawkes Gal September 06, 2014

Oh boys, they're so fun. :)

Sagittarienne September 08, 2014


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