isn't it beautiful, Nana in Hi This is Kat!

  • Dec. 28, 2023, 1:52 p.m.
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On Christmas Brooks was outside playing and he was getting sticks and putting them in a planter we have in the driveway. after about 6 sticks that he strategically placed around this angel… he ran over to me and showed me his art and said doesn’t it look beautiful, Nana?
My heart melted!

Brooks passed out all the gifts.... for some reason he wanted to crawl to the back of the tree and pass out all the back ones first.

Brooks adores his baby brother. He is holding him while everyone gathers in the room to open gifts.

Tucker Tom just being a cute sweet baby

My oldest looking pretty silly…

Brooks and Poppy just chilling!

I hope everyone had nice Christmas! Mine is still going on as my oldest and his wife are still here. So happy we are getting a great visit in…

Jodie December 28, 2023

Looks like everyone had a great time...

theKat Jodie ⋅ December 28, 2023

they did! We opened gifts for 2 hours!

Jodie theKat ⋅ December 28, 2023


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