qwick upd8 in What's Happening
- Sept. 11, 2024, 12:29 a.m.
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Me and the chick tried tripping again on shroom chocolate bars last weekend. We ate the same amount that we did when we were in Canada except this time the effects were minimal. We decided to keep eating more and more until we ate greater than double the amount that made us trip last time. I felt some effects, but they seemed to peak at a much more mildish high. I don’t know why they didn’t hit us as hard as last time.
My gut has been bothering me so bad lately. The other day when I was at my Dad’s he made a comment about how big my gut is. I know some of my gut is probably from being fat, but I think a lot of it is just inflammation. I decided to stop eating so frequently to give my stomach a chance to heal. Yesterday and today I’ve just been eating once a day which means I’m fasting for about 22-24 hours at a time. It feels good when I’m fasting, but around the 20 hour mark I start to get brain fog and a headache. Today I ordered some electrolytes packets which seem to be recommended for multiple day fasts.
On the weekends when I see my girl she is such a bad influence when it comes to eating. For starters, she always wants to go out to breakfast in the mornings. I don’t usually eat breakfast because I don’t like having a belly full of food first thing in the morning. If I eat breakfast I’m not likely to be productive for the day. Also I will have to poop almost immediately.
I suppose it would be nice to eat the amounts that she does and not have stomach issues, but I’m perfectly fine with just not eating until lunch time or later. We also drink too much alcohol when we are together.
I’m coming up on 6 months since I met the girl. Everything is going good with us so far. I do sometimes wish she had some friends to do stuff with so I could get some weekends to myself. She has no friends at all. I said something about it to her once and she said she doesn’t need any because her two sisters are her friends.
A few weeks ago I brought home two tiny little kittens. They are healthy and they like to play all day. They still haven’t gotten used to me. They never come near me and they run if the think I’m coming near them. I think they are young enough that they will warm up to me eventually. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with them yet.
TL ⋅ September 11, 2024
I fought with the inflammation for years thinking it was bloating. I fasted and was desperate enough to do coffee enemas. I lost 10 lbs of inflammation a couple of months ago after I quit wheat, corn, canola, & soy. Canola is an engine lubricant, it is not classified as fit for human consumption. Our wheat is hybridized, if I ordered bread or flour from Europe it would be safe to eat. It is regulated over there. It won't cause inflammation or trigger one's celiac disease. Take a break from those and see if it helps. It would be a lot easier for you because you're not plant-based.
Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ September 11, 2024
Nice about kittens.
Weird about no friends.