meal planning in keeping it postive

  • Sept. 1, 2014, 5:05 a.m.
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  • Public

I’ve been watching a lot of public broadcasting… you can get good ideas from those shows.

There have been two different doctors on lately with “non-diet” meal planning. I am going to try to incorporate them into my daily activities.

I am already almost a complete vegetarian - I eat chicken and fish - perhaps once or twice a week. So cutting them out completely is not difficult. It will be more difficult to cut out dairy - milk, cheese, yogurt - and wheat - flour - BREAD!!! Oh, no. I already try to eat rice pasta, so that’s not a problem.

I live fairly near two regular local supermarkets and about a mile from a super supermarket. It has a whole refrigerator room! Their produce is SO fresh. I guess I can walk there and back daily - make it my exercise for the day - and buy what I’ll need for that day. Granted I won’t need to buy an entire head of garlic every day, nor an entire ginger root every day. Those, and the fresh herbs I can buy weekly or as needed.

I already eat a lot of beans, so making sure I have them daily is not a problem. I figure I can make a soup/stew daily, and steamed veggies daily, and a salad daily.

I can have a grain - kasha, barley, brown rice - for breakfast with whatever is left over from either/both of the veggie dishes from the day before.

It’s a plan… sticking with it… that’s another thing. If the weather gets bad, walking to Fairway - the major supermarket - would be out of the question - it’s too far, and near the river, so wind/rain/cold would make it difficult. Now.. to make it a habit… eek.

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