Resolutions 2024 in Each Day
- Jan. 8, 2024, 6:02 p.m.
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My resolutions for the last few years have been basically the same. Read more, ride more, move more, knit more, be social more.
While I think those are still important goals to set, and I still intend on putting values to them, I want to dig a little deeper.
Money has been a sore subject lately and I’d really like to stop feeling like that, especially considering how well M and I should be doing (ignoring the rising cost of existence lately). I have a meeting with my investment person for next week, we’re going to discuss how to approach my pay raise, where money should go, etc.
At the end of the year I would like to have a much better financial outlook. Pay off the roof, max out my TFSA, max out my RRSP, and if there’s anything left over, max out M’s TFSA/RRSP.
Maybe part of this should be helping M out of the hole he’s in.
I also haven’t talked to my sister about a grant/endowment for her business. I’ve given her enough money for a novel/novella two years in a row now.
My minimalism journey has stagnated, despite regularly putting effort into taking care of my things. I have been wanting to seek professional help, but time and money (and shame) have held me back.
I have been following Becoming Minimalist since the beginning of my introspection in 2015, and have been wanting to do his Uncluttered course since he started it in 2016. First money, then time, then mental health has prevented me from committing.
So on January 3rd 2024 I registered for the Uncluttered course. The first assignment comes on January 16, which I find a weird choice, but I’m guessing it starts later so it’s not collecting people who are looking for a quick New Year fix. I am excited to have both a community and a professional at my disposal.
And hopefully with getting my house-shit together, the idea is having more time for hobbies.
NEW things I would like to dedicate time to this year:
Sing - I am considering starting/organizing/attending karaoke nights, either through work, or otherwise.
Stained Glass - I have been slowly collecting equipment to begin this hobby, and last week Mandy arranged for me to buy her dad’s old stained glass stuff, so I finally have a grinder and can start planning projects in earnest. Between the magpie in 2020 and the magpie rebuild in 2023 I have a LOT of desire to make and also lots of ideas of things to make for people I like. The very first project is going to be this one, which The Odd Fellow asked me to make, I think in 2020, so I’m eager to surprise him with this.
Embroidery - There is a technique called thread painting that I’m really interested in. I have really enjoyed the silly little pieces I have already made. My goal is to do one of Jinx and one of our house (this one might be more traditional and less thread-painty)
Dance - M brought up learning to dance recently, and it is something I have wanted to do forever. It would be nice to do it together, but I don’t see that happening. This would be a bonus, it’s low on the priority list.
Read: 10 books
Ride: to work once in a 2 week period, for funsies once a week
Move: I resume fitness classes tomorrow until the heat of summer takes me out again. I also found out there’s a friday free skate at the arena at work, which necessitates skates, but I want to do before the end of winter. I miss skating. Also, spring will bring mountain biking. M and I also talked about doing yoga together, and maybe we’ll do the dancing thing together too.
Knit: Finish 2 projects that are already cast on. Any new projects are a bonus (but also I shouldn’t be casting on anything new because I have like, 4 projects on the go already).
Social: I would like to work on more consistency for Sundays with Red. I also hope to find more capacity for more people who are not Red. I will take the win even if that means Red and I support each other in attending social events. Hah.
This feels good. It took me longer than expected to get this down. Of course, I’d been thinking about it since late last year, but as soon as I sat down to write my ridiculous brain was like, “what resolutions?” The joys of ADHD…
As always I reserve the right to edit this considering the liklihood that I left something off the list.
Last updated January 10, 2024
sarahbaby. ⋅ January 09, 2024
Can’t wait to hear about the Uncluttered course!! Wow, that is so exciting!!