Kiss in Things That I'm Grateful For
- Nov. 15, 2023, 9:10 p.m.
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So the day finally arrived. He’s been talking about it since we first met about 2 years ago, back when producing his series was just a dream for him. Ark was always telling me he wanted me to do something in character as David Lynch. Initially, he wanted it to be inserted as part of a dream sequence, but once shooting on his series finally began, he told me that he’s having to retool that whole bit. For some reason, though, he looked at me and thought I looked just like David Lynch.
The series finally premiered, the first half of the episodes on Halloween and the second half of the season will be sometime in early September.
I didn’t get a chance to watch it because I was in Laos at the time, and he asked me repeatedly if I’d watched it yet. I finally did, and I have to say, you should watch it. It’s a very intriguing mystery and I’m proud of his success.
But anyways, Ark finally told me that he wants me to do the David Lynch clip… and then he said something about wanted me to pose for him. Now, Ark’s photography is very… intimate. I was kind of excited by the prospect of it, and we kept having to push back the date, but when the date was upcoming, I saw him out and he told me what he wanted for the David Lynch clip.
So in my head, I thought that’s all we were doing.
Finally, yesterday I went to Ark’s place. He has a whole building, most of it rather dark and unkempt. I found it really charming, like a haunted house (very fitting if you watch his series). We ended up having to go later in the day because he got dragged into a production call for his next series. It was announced to much fanfare and has gained a lot of traction very quickly due to its vampire theme and starring a very beloved Thai actor who has never taken on a gay role before (although he did star as a bi character in a poly relationship that was one of my favorites). He was telling me that they have to retool the series because, after the explosive response, three other studios have announced series with vampire themes.
I think he was surprised by the fact that I knew so much about behind-the-scenes production. We were talking and he bounced some ideas off me about how to adjust some of the things in the script. Shooting is supposed to start mid-December, so I feel very bad for him having to rush this kind of thing, but I have faith in him.
Finally, he said we’d get started. I pulled out my David Lynch costume and was about to start doing my make-up when he appeared surprised. I guess we were just going to take some photos.
Now, I don’t have my pills for my ED right now because switching jobs means switching health insurance. Plus, I didn’t want to make things awkward by bringing up past hang-ups between us regarding the fact that we used to fuck. But as the pictures progressed, and I found myself lying naked on a lounge chair, surrounded by candlelight, red sheets, staring into a mirror, he asked me if I could get an erection. I told him that probably wasn’t very likely.
Then he walked over and kissed me.
Somehow, that woke me up and I was throbbing. The boner photos turned out pretty good, and I was amazed at his skill. He truly is gifted.
And apparently my erectile dysfunction is completely mental. I realized rather quickly that he was seducing me, and afterward, he wanted to continue, but I was not mentally prepared to go back down that road so I left.
I have the photos. They’re very good.
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