It's Predicted This Winter Will Be Colder? in Me Being Me
Revised: 10/26/2023 10:08 a.m.
- Oct. 26, 2023, 3 a.m.
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The forecast for the 2023/2024 season suggests that we can expect another winter marked by ample snowfall and temperatures hovering both slightly above and below the freezing mark.
So this means for me that the tempature inside will feel colder then last year. I just wish the tempature can stay at something like 70 or 75 so i don’t have to use any other heat source. Because when I do I get too hot and it feels like a heat rash in the area of my butt and then I have to keep getting up so the heat will die down. But the coldest part on me is my hands and my feet. I wonder what would happen if I just stopped taking my pills that interfear with my body tempature? I would never do that but I should ask the doctor and see what he says. And even drinking hot coffee realy doesn’t do much because I can’t drink it fast enough to warm my insides.
I can’t understand why people don’t realize that the winter months are always more expensive then the other month and just to make sure you have saved that extra money so you can be comfortable. So far this week I have been waking up cold and it’s been taking something like 4 hours for the heat to be at a tempature that I can actually start to feel warm. But this am at 6:30 am I hear her walking around and I think she turned the heat on. I guess she feels cold this morning. The thing I don’t get is how she can wake up and walk like an elephant across her floors? Sometimes it feels like she is going to fall threw the floor. Mind you I have always lived on one level and usually the bottom unit so I don’t know if I walk like an elephant either.
Onto something else…
Tomorrow I get to go for a root canal so that should be fun. I know it won’t be so horrible because the only part that should hurt is sticking the needle into the nreve in my mouth. And that only hurts for a short time. But it’s a two time appointment because I will have to go back and get the crown on my tooth. If I remeber I do have two other root canals done years before so this will just add to my collection. But the good thing about these is there will be no more cavities in these teeth.
Onto something else…
I created a new recipie to me and I made salsbury steak with gravy and onions and I added frozen French fries and it was actually not too bad. But you need to like gravy or there is no point in doing that. So this will be my new way of making French fries.
Tonights dinner is going to be fish. And maybe carrots and some sort of pasta.
And I did most of the laundry. All is left is two loads and maybe I will do them today but there is enough clothes for a while so it’s not manditory that I do it.
Other then that it’s just the same old depmestic work that I do or not do.
I need to stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, Behave.
Last updated October 26, 2023
theKat ⋅ October 26, 2023
not sure if our electric bill is higher in winter or summer? summer we have the pool and winter we have the hot tub I think our highest bill has been close to 600!
Jodie theKat ⋅ October 26, 2023
That is dirt cheap...But everything in the USA is a bit cheaper.
theKat Jodie ⋅ October 26, 2023
I don't feel it is cheap. I have always heard USA and Canadas electric prices were pretty close to being the same... Canada being just a few dollars more
Jodie theKat ⋅ October 26, 2023
well, the slum lord says I use a lot of electricity but that is because she won't keep the heat at one setting so I have to use things that draw electricity...She is too stipid to see that is why she pays so much. I am pretty sure she pays something like $1000,00 a month. But then gas heat doesn't help either.
theKat Jodie ⋅ October 26, 2023
that sounds way high! maybe if the home was about 10,000 sq ft. it would cost her more to pay your half of the electric than you rent is
Jodie theKat ⋅ October 26, 2023
It is high and I do know how to get it way down so it doesn't cost much. But then she has more stuff then I do and I have been using my airfryer so I have been saving her a ton of money and she has all kinds of electric toys that I think are a waste of time like the Alexia thing and she has programed lights and heat. And a gas stove and funrnace so that doens't help either.
theKat Jodie ⋅ October 26, 2023
we have tons of landscaping lights in the front and back yard, pool, hot tub, computers, and all the little gadgets ...when we do not use any A/c or heat our bill is about 230 a month which I love
Jodie theKat ⋅ October 27, 2023
yeah that is cheap
toddslife ⋅ October 26, 2023
yes the temperature can stay at something like 70 or 75 all year