The Personhood of Theseus. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- Nov. 15, 2023, 10:43 a.m.
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The concept of “growing up” and “acting/being” an adult is silly. Almost a misconception. As if we Pokemon morph into a different person.
I don’t know a single friend who has drastically changed. I know friends who are simply more and more themselves with age.
While my censor will vary, and the phrasing I may use certainly has evolved, the style of shite that comes out of my mouth hasn’t changed much. That is, if someone I knew twenty years ago were to talk to me now, I could shoot my mouth off and they’d go.
“Yup, he’s still Timmy™.”
I don’t know, even when friends make “drastic changes” in their life, every time there’s always a bit of, “yeah, that makes sense, that’s something they would do.”
I was right, all those years ago. I/we don’t really change, we just become more ourselves.
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