Why Block Me If... in Me Being Me

Revised: 10/10/2023 5:44 p.m.

  • Oct. 10, 2023, 2 a.m.
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  • Public

You are just going to write long ass e-mails about how rude I am or how I say things that are a fact and you actually told me years ago. And it’s okay for you to call me slandours names that I could actually take you to court and get you into jail and pay me compisation? But then Marina has threatend to sue me because I evidently made up rumours about her but yet I don’t know what she thinks is a rumour or fact. And if you think it’s a rumour then ask me and I promise I won’t lie. I don’t lie and you can always fact check what I say.

Anyways what is your thought about this? It is all fact becasue the person who wrote this told me herself years ago.

I have a diary on Prosebox as MalaMasa and I would like to report a diarist on Prosebox by the name of Jodie whom I not only once knew in real life years ago but who has in a note had said something really very cruel malicious, damaging, and abusive towards me in a note she has responded to another diarist which can be found on the comment section from the entry she’s written titled “ I’m So Glad”.

Here is the copied and pasted note she had written about me. See below:

Written by diarist Jodie below.
“I know. But I think the way she is is a childhood thing because her mother was so evil and mean to her and treated her different because she was born with a brain thing because she was kept in an incubater for 5 months when she was born and her mom thought she would die. But she lived and I guess her mom was disappointed she didn’t die”

That above note above is very abusive malicious and cruel to say about anyone’s mother and I feel such a comment can potentially trigger someone who suffers from mental health issues. Especially if it’s something very untrue about someone which borders on abusive and or slander. I had not done anything to the diarist Jodie on Prosebox nor had I called her any names nor verbally attacked her in any correspondence I may have had with her on Prosebox. You can verify the Prosebox data files within the last 2 days to see my point.

If you are wondering where in the note Jodie appears to be abusive is in the last passsge where it stated how my mother was disappointed that I did not die due to my have suffered some brain trauma after my 3 month pre term birth. Now that itself is abusive and sick for someone to state such a thing about anyone its a verbally abusive malicious attack on someone which is so uncalled for. It’s a bullying statement enough to drive someone into potential suicide or even a trigger response for someone like myself who suffers from anxiety and depression.

Jodie has had a history of being abusive to other diarists on another diary site known as Open Diary which led to her being permanently banned by my having reported her abusive behaviour which is why she is on Prosebox. And my concern is that same behaviour once before on Open diary can or to be potentially started up again on Prosebox towards me or another potential Prosebox diarist. This is why I strongly feel that Jodie should not be on Prosebox. I realize this is the internet and people are going to say stuff whether it’s positive or negative BUT a place such as Prosebox. Should be safe place to read and write without anyone being deliberately abusive or slanderous.

I realize people like Jodie may have a right to write whatever she wants to write on his or her diary at Prosebox but that does not give someone like her the right to write respond nor leave a deliberately abusive note about me or anyone on Prosebox. There is no excuse despite one’s reasons behind such behaviour. And there is I feel there is also no excuse for someone like Jodie to state a false damaging assumption that my family hates me on a recent entry of hers titled “ I am So Glad”. I am not concerned about whatever else is said about me unless the post is slanderous malicious or abusive.

I had put Jodie on block but I still feel that it would be best if Jodie was permanently banned from continuing writing on Prosebox. People like the diarist Jodie who has a history of being abusive to people in the past should not be allowed to write on online diary sites such as Prosebox. She may not have any history of being abusive towards other Prosebox users but because she was abusive, and slanderous towards me in a note or in an entry about me as posted above earlier she can just as easily do the same towards someone else on Prosebox.
People may have the right to speak their mind on Prosebox about whomever or whatever BUT there’s a fine line about it especially when it borders on being malicious and abusive and or slanderous towards a Prosebox user.

I know you will run Prosebox the way you see fit and it’s not my intention to tell you how to run it but as I had mentioned earlier that people like diarist Jodie should be permanently banned from ever writing or creating another account to write in Prosebox for to protect the mental health of other Prosebox users. And even if Jodie isn’t removed permanently from Prosebox she at least should be let off with a warning or two should she reoffend again before her permanently being banned to ever again be writing on Prosebox.

I am aware of the block button which I had already used but I know it and cannot control people’s behaviour towards others.

I will NOT allow anybody on Prosebox to become abusive or slanderous towards me regardless of the end outcome of this email.

Thank you for allowing me to bring this matter to your attention.

Just for the record what I said is true and I wouldn’t lie about something like this. But my question is what right does she have to get me banned when she blocked me first? And is she satlking me with a different id? or is she trolling me? Why is it she can do these things and I don’t?
I think Marina has a lot of mental issues..al lot more then me but then I take medication so i don’t do this and I have grown a thicker skin. maybe she needs to grow more skin?
And if marina can’t take the truth then she needs to go to a really happy place that will coddle her.

I am not sure if I should be worried about being banned or if it’s just hot air and it will be ignored. But I do wish her and I could have talked about it then she would understand why I said it. But then I most likly said what I said because someone asked me about her and I was just telling them the history between her and me and there is about 25 years wirth of history and through this so called friendship I always got the short end of the stick and I never once got a thank you or repayment for things like gas and food I gave her when she needed a place to stay or to go somewhere in my car....
I guess maybe I need to applogize for being a good friend to her for so long.

I do feel a bit better but I still wan tto cry becasue she is just so mean and evil when people say the truth.

Last updated October 10, 2023

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