paradise in Hi This is Kat!
- Oct. 9, 2023, 7:06 p.m.
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I have such a great visit with jo tonight! I am really trying to hang on to those great times as I know she feels horrid and I know there will probably be more poor days than good ones!
She was a little less bloated today.... so she was not hurting or as uncomfortable! actually the lower belly was not hard at all! I poke around on her and check her eyes and her feet and her shoulder every time I am with her… no matter if it is the next day… at this stage things can change fast!
She is still drinking but not heavily but she really cannot drink a lot because it blows her up… I think she is only drinking 2 or 3 beers a day unsure if she is doing shots.... she said she is quitting napping once the two she has are empty… time will tell.
I have a the horrible feeling she is at the beginning of the end and I plan to ask our doctor a lot of hard questions Wednesday. I am not an expert but I read every possible thing I can on cirrhosis, varices, hemoglobin, ascites, and fatigue
According to what I read she has every one of the end stage symptoms. The same as the symptoms 6 months before death! Her eyes look slightly jaundice. She sleeps all the time, she is blown up like a balloon with ascites and ankles swollen with edema. But today she was in no pain!
Wednesday she is going to go back to therapy! OUCH!!!!! I am losing track on how many weeks of therapy she has missed but I am pretty sure it is 6 weeks.
Mentally she seemed strong! she was talking how Randy was sorta being nice and she laughed saying he probably is trying to get the money! I will spend every last dollar of the money before I let him get one dollar of it. as that is what Jo has wanted for what 4 or 5 years? I am happy she has set up Cole some money so he will not think his mother forgot about him. thinking is is about 85,000 and then he gets the car, the condo and half the house. That is more than Jo want him to have because of his mental issues schizophrenic and this he will never be able to really live on his own and will be either a ward of the state or in a group home. he is like a 10 year old in many ways. and she fears he will just take the money quit his job and do drugs and drink when she is gone. I think she might be right as he drinks every weekend but always seems to blow clean. last week it was dirty but they gave him another chance.... but when he hears voices he drinks to try to self medicate :(
I got my covid and my flu shot… it has made my blood sugar high today! I hope it is back to normal tomorrow!
Jodie ⋅ October 11, 2023
Sounds like Jo had a great day. I hope she has a lot more.