Weekly Goals Revisited in The Past

  • Aug. 25, 2014, 8:43 p.m.
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So, It’s the start of a new week. Today we’re going to see how many of the prior goals we can mark off, and start the new set of goals!

So, starting out, last week goals:

– Finish 1 blue/silver Dragonscale bracelet – I looked at the rings for this over the week and set them aside. Just didn’t have the Umph to deal with that weave.
– Finish the belt that I’ve been “working on” for a week Technically, I did finish it. It’s a belt, it’s all one weave, but while looking at it, I keep wanting “more”. I’ll take pictures of it. It’s all-but screaming out to me that it needs to be turned into a dancer’s belt, and have the skirt-part made. Only downside to that, is that once I made the skirt part, adjusting it to fit anyone who walks into the booth is harder.
– Figure out what rings/scales I need to buy for the next round of consignments and shows. – I’m looking into doing this today. Probably as soon as I finish this list.
– Pay for Hawks Holiday Happening Finished. Just have to address the envelope, and I’m done with this. Should be mailed out before 1pm.
– Put together 1 Teddy Bear shirt… no matter how weird it looks in pieces (Just remember Chris… bears are not shaped like people) – I still have just the front panel finished. I’m debating on two different ways of putting it all together. One of which seems really simple – you make two pieces that look like flat shirts, add a panel to each side, hook it all together, and voila, shirt! The other way uses 45 degree seams and make it so that the maile all goes the same direction. Only problem with this one is the fact that making sleeves suck.
– Figure out a good place to spend a couple hours a week working on maile (since Minecraft taunts me when I’m at home) Mom and I were just talking about this. We figure the Starbucks up the hill from home would be perfect. Closeby, not too busy in the evenings, and I can get something to drink if I want. We’re going to try this later this week
– Either steal the camera back from Maili or force Maili to take new pictures of jewelry, WITH lighting. – Maili said she’d take pictures on Sunday. Still haven’t spoken with her to find out if they were taken. If they weren’t, the camera and everything’s coming back to my house this week.
– See if any old pictures are worth keeping – I have the pictures on a flash drive, just haven’t played with any of them yet.
– Finish letter for You Are Loved. Finished and sent to the lady who requested them. Writing it really wonked me out for a day. It hurt.
– Get to sleep at a decent time. Eh, haven’t been doing this one at all lately. Shame on me. My goal is to be asleep before 11 tonight.

Actually … thinking about it, I don’t have many new goals to add to the incomplete ones here. Maybe I should add “look for other shows” but I don’t want to load myself up on shows again this year only to flake out or sell out halfway through the season. Specially with NewCon in January. So, it’s all good!

Last updated December 25, 2016

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