The girls in A new era

  • Aug. 13, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
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I had a lovely catch up with Laura on Friday. She was working from home, and finishing early to go and finalise the details for her wedding rings.

She has her nan's wedding ring, and is getting it melted, and mixed, and made into her wedding ring and a ring for her mum. Her mum had worn the nan's ring for years after she had died, so Laura wants her to have a piece of it, which is a lovely sentiment and has made all of us bridesmaids cry!

We went for a little drink afterwards, and generally put the world to rights. She was telling me about the problems she's having with her brother and his wife and they still hadn't decided if they'd be coming. She'd decided that she wouldn't have kids at the wedding, her and Dave have no kids, and they have so many guests, there's no way they'd fit kids in too. She made this clear right from the minute they got engaged last June, so people had 15 months to find a babysitter! Basically they're just being awkward because they want to bring the kids and thought she'd have backed down by now. But she's right, how can she make an exception and have just his two, when dave's two brothers have 4 kids between them, one of whom is being left in London for the weekend!

It was lovely to spend some quality time with her, we've been friends a very long time, I'm her maid of honour, and we've seen each other through so many ups and downs. Due to our schedules though, my shifts and her phd hours, we don't see as much of each other as we should, and when we do catch up it's usually a group of us, and while we always have a laugh, we never get the chance to catch up on the minutiae of every day life.

So far, I feel I've got off lightly on maid of honour duties. She hasn't been a bridezilla at all, she's been organised, and most of the planning has come off without a hitch for her. However she's working the first half of the week before her wedding - that's being a phd student for you! So I figure there will be things she needs doing. She's in Manchester too, not even home, but myself and two of the other bridesmaids are off all week and at the end of the phone so I'm sure we'll be running round.

It's exciting times all round really, good things are happening in my life, for both me and my loved ones.


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