hurricane friends let us know you are ok in Hi This is Kat!

  • Aug. 30, 2023, 12:11 p.m.
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I have heard from most of my Florida friends and they made it thru the storm fairly well! Some had a little water damage and a few trees down… I am unsure how my sister’s winter home did… it is a trailer even tho she refuses to call it a trailer it is not a trailer court it is a resort LOL

I hope all my Friends online also was spared from the hurricane.

I pick up Brooks tomorrow… we meet half way so it makes the drive not so bad… I hope it is warm enough to get some good swimming in. I plan on taking him clothes shopping to buy shoes, and a few outfits. I will pick up a couple things for Tucker too as that sweet baby mainly lives in hand me downs.

I have a weird question: What good is there in doing urine tests for drinking if they test a person on a Tuesday and they have to know if they are going to drink it would be Friday, sat, and Sunday on their days off. I am speaking about Cole (Jo’s son) he drinks heavy on weekends and never ever gets caught???

Well time to pull the skeletons out of my closet and put them in the back seat of my car. LOL

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