Lifestyle in Stuff
- Aug. 22, 2023, 9:58 p.m.
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So the guy I “leant” money to has posted a new profile picture with new lips, so I guess that’s what that went towards rather than his “meds” LOL.
My mum texted me last night whilst I was at the grocery store letting me know that both my brothers have tested postitive for high cholesterol. My grandmother on dad’s side, and my dad, both had/have it, so naturally she has texted me to keep a watch out. It was annoying though, because I was already in the grocery store, and it affected what I was buying! GAH! Well, not really, I still bought the chocolate bars. Life is tough enough as it is, I ain’t letting cholesterol get me down too, so I’[m buying the damn choc!
I dunno, my brother’s are pretty big-units. My dad has had a beer-gut his whole life, or at least as long as I remember since I was a kid. But it’s heritidary, so I’m probably doomed. Mum said to me “You’re probably behind the 8-ball already.”
I messaged back, “Thanks for scaring me, mother!”
So I guess that means I should probably book in for a blood-test. Google has already told me there’s no other way to tell if I have it or not, as there’s no symptoms. Ergh. But I’m over appointments. I already had my dental one on Monday. I had all those blood tests when I had Covid in March - wouldn’t that have told me if I had high cholesterol? Or maybe they didn’t test for that? I dunno. I won’t be able to put this off I suppose.
The dentist went well. It was over quicker than I thought it would be. I was told it would take an hour, but it was probably more like a half-hour. He even chatted to me before and afterwards, like he usually does, as he’s so personable. A really great dentist. I don’t even feel pain as he applies the anaesthetic. Every other dentist I sure as hell feel the extreme pain as the needle goes in. This guy kind of just gently applies it without injecting and it has the same effect. We chatted about his dog and he showed me a photo of his kid (who is 1yo) using the dog as a pillow. So cute!
It still set me back $160 for two fillings though. It would have been $400 without my health insurance. How is a single filling $200 these days!? Anyway, I paid $630 for the health insurance and have claimed $1300+ so far (on dental and the ambulance), so it’s been worth it!
Apparently I am all done and don’t need any more procedures. I thought he was doing the right side of my mouth but he did both fillings on the left. But I get confused at the best of times.
I’ve been feeling tired lately, like even shortly after a sleep. Is that a symptom of high cholesterol? I feel like maybe it’s long-covid? I haven’t really noticed anything lately but these last few weeks I feel like I’ve been more tired than I should be. It’s probably just this new place. I can’t believe I’m still using three blankets on my bed. Winter should be over by now. But it’s just the apartment I swear. We’re having 26 degree days, so it’s perfect outside. I am gymming every day except for Fridays, but gym generally gives me energy rather than taking it away. Crazy how that works. I eat relatively healthy and gym most days, so I hope the cholesterol (God that word is annoying to type) levels are on my side. Mum pointed out that my brothers gym as well. Well, yeah, but I’m pretty sure they also drink like fish. I duno, I guess I try to distance myself from my brothers as much as possible, as we’ve always been chalk and cheese. It doesn’t make sense that I’m the one in between them. There i my sister though, who doesn’t have the cholesterol (and neither does my mother) so hopefully done of their genes have rubbed off on me. I mean, I turned out to be the lone gay one, right? There has to be some ‘Y’ chromosome (ergh, these big words) in there somewhere for that to happen, right? Or is there more ‘X’ because I’m attracted to other ‘X’s? Now I’m just talking non-sense. It makes sense in my head :P
The manager at gym seems to be my only interaction with humans (other than at work) since my housemate doesn’t talk to me. I said “hi” to my housemate last night when he came into the lounge, and I was met with silence LOL. Ok, well fuck me then. Or, that could be the problem, that I didn’t do just that. Anyway, his boyfriend is over at least once or twice a week, so he’s getting his social interaction via him rather than me, as I hear them giggling like schoolgirls. I mean it’s cute he’s found someone he has that chemistry with, but it’s a bit weird as well that he barely says a word to me. So I feel like not even saying hi to him now.
And to make things worse, I had a dream about him last night just before I woke up, so it was fresh in my mind. In the dream he told me he “in a lot of shit.” - so that wasn’t comforting LOL. I woke up shortly afterward. I hate how real dreams can seem.
I time going to gym around the time he gets home. But that’s shit because gym is way too busy when most people knock off work, so I feel going around 3:30pm is better and I should just try and find something else to do for an hour or two afterward. Although he’s been getting home later lately for some reason. I’ve gotten home around 6pm and he still hasn’t been home.
Maybe I’ll get a new role at work soon, who knows. I was told August but that’s nearly over now and I’ve heard nothing.
Anyway, the manager at gym is quite cute and says hi to me by name. Of course a cute straight guy being nice to a gay guy can easily be misinterpreted on my end lol. Like he could be bi, but I doubt it. He’s just good at his job and friendly to the regulars I think, and I have wishful thinking. He complicated my new blue Sketchers and said he’s looking at getting the red pair. I said that I definitely recommend, and in my mind I thought about how hot they’d look on him. They are so damn comfy. Anyway, he should use me for sex in the bathrooms. Whoops, did I say that?
There are a couple of gay guys at the gym though, so it’s nice to see some of my community there. One is on my Facebook friends (and a PT there) and I found out another guy there is his boyfriend, via him posting photos of them. I had no idea otherwise. Another guy I’m pretty sure I’ve seen on Grindr. Of course the guys I think are hot arent the gay ones lol. I’m currently hoping that two straight guys who work out together all the time are actually gay lovers. I can fantasize right?
I’m meal-prepped for the week, so I’m somewhat organised. I bought bulk food from Aldi as it’s a lot cheaper than my work is, and then I get the stuff I can’t get there from my work. I think that’s a more sensible way to go in a cost-of-living crisis. So is not buying two pairs of Sketchers, but I’m pretty good at justifying purchases that I know I will use a lot.
Work has already got me rostered on for a full-day tomorrow again without informing me, but I’m used to that now, so I know to bring lunch in. The extra hours also tend to cover the increased rent here and make me feel somewhat how I used to, budget-wise. I don’t keep an actual written budget, but an just conscious about things. It seems to work for me without being too constraining on lifestyle. I just need to get one of those, HA!
And the 5am starts are over with for another year, thank God.
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