first day of baby school in Hi This is Kat!

  • Aug. 14, 2023, 12:34 p.m.
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The first picture is Tucker today and Brooks on his first day of baby school. It is hard to tell you have blue both of their eyes are because they look dark in these photos…

Tucker is just a giggly happy baby! H’e a chunk too. I am guessing they are close to the same age Brooks is probably 2 or 3 weeks old judging by the date.

Brooks had a hard time with Tucker starting school.... He was so worried Tucker is going to cry or miss Mommy. So so protective. He told Tucker’s teacher that is he cries to come get him so he can make him happy. and told them he can eat lunch and feed tucker a bottle cause he does it at home. LOL.

This school is very very nice. the front wall is a solid window and has a camera the video tapes your kid and you can log in and take pics or watch your child’s care. Each room are different stage of the baby… new borns to ones that can sit up, ones that can crawl and then the walkers… so your baby moves to a different room per their own growth pattern. Now Brooks is in pre k and after he learns everything well in that class he goes to the next room Brooks is now in the 4 year old class not the 3 year old because he learns this so quickly…
Both of my boys were the same way. They may end up starting him in school a year early because Kindergarten will be very boring for him as he already knows all that. and is learning to ready and write now

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