Nashville cuties in Hi This is Kat!

  • Aug. 9, 2023, 2:05 p.m.
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I just Got home from seeing my grandsons. Tucker is really getting to be a butter ball! His eyes are now the same gorgeous light blue like Brooks! …and he has two cute little dimples that you can now see cause he laughs so much.
I must not take care of Tucker really well cause Brooks kept telling me I was holding him wrong, I let Lila dog lick his brother’s foot, and Tucker does not want me to hold him so I need to give that baby to mommy! LOL He is slightly jealous of his Nana time.

He talks like an adult.. he uses complex sentences, large words and if he hears a new word he quickly asks what that word means and repeats the word… later he will use that word in a sentence properly… makes me forget the kid just turned 3. Last night he was teaching me to add! he helped me count how may tires are on his monster truck… and how many was on his tractor.... them he said how many tires are there. so cute! Matthew could multiply and divide when he was 3…closer to 4 but still he was 3.

I bought this silly skeleton hat and matching gloves last year on clearance… I gave them to Brooks and omg did he love them! he did almost everything with this big gloves on.... tooo funny!

Kelsey loves me to spoil her.... she was telling me how she goes back to work next week and her pants don’t fit yet… so I told her to go order a few pair and I would buy them.... Not because they can’t afford them because they make over a quarter million a year but she loves me to pamper her. I don’t think he parents do that. ....and right before we left she told me Brooks also has no blue jeans that fit him… hint hint. I have tried to buy most of Brooks clothes and shoes for him to make things easier on them… hell I will never be able to spend all my money before I die. why not share it while am alive???

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