antique jewelry art... my hobby in Hi This is Kat!

  • Aug. 7, 2023, 7:17 p.m.
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In the winter when I get bored I usually start a jewelry art project.... at times I am all about the bling! my taste varies so much it is almost eerie lol

I have made several of these pieces and sold them… last year they were exhibited in an art show.... I got a few people requesting special ones with their personal jewelry pieces. My pieces I have shown here I made for me as they have lots of real stones and 14k gold. My favorite is probably my angle. it was my first piece and next was the huge christmas tree one.... then I went thru a phase of making people one like the mermaid, witch doctor, fairy, jester, snowman, and princess

When I moved to this area I found a pearl cross made like this one… I loved it but they were selling them for 350 I made my own with many of the pearl necklaces I have (I have a whole night stand crammed full of vintage jewelry I use in my pieces… I buy out estates and usually keep all the jewelry.... so mine is probably 50% real pearls. and I made this jewelry bouquet… it was used in one of my friends daughter wedding.

The deer was just a make over.... it was painted orange! I shit you not! it was hideous and the snd hand store kinda laughed at me and asked what I was going to do with it.... I blinged it out for christmas.... sent them a pic and ended up making the owner one for her home…

But I had never referred to myself as an artist… but most people that know me, do. and that makes me smile

Last updated August 07, 2023

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