Hotel attack, husband might get fired,a new kitten born in Just Life
- Aug. 9, 2023, 12:44 p.m.
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I had a bad day at work. A mentally ill man screamed at my boss spit in Gina’s face. She tried to maintain her calm. He called her a fat bitch. He stole from the market. We asked him to pay for the items he said for us to eff ourselves. He demanded a hotel key she was trying to make one for him threaten to hit her raising his hand. He walked towards me. My boss was shocked I told him I would break my broom over his head shove the broom up his ass and make him a meat puppet. The man decided to back down.
Gina called this mans mother told her get him out of the hotel or she is calling the cops. The man’s mother payed for repairs. He walked off we thought we were safe he began to throw chairs arguing with people who are not there. Gina and I ran into the office and locked the door when the man charged. The man tried to go after the ladies working in laundry they locked him out. Gina and I were trapped till the boys mother came to get him.
He hopped in his mother’s car drove around the building almost hit my car. We thought he was gone we started to clean for him to come in threatening to sue us. He threw the keys at Gina acted like he was going to hit my boss. When Josh and John walked into the lobby and the guy realized I had the broom held like a baseball bat he went to his car and drove off. Not think I looked at my boss Gina not thinking i told her I don’t get paid enough for this shit! Gina laughed.
My husband was late for his job because where I was trapped in Becky office with Gina I couldn’t clean everything cleaned up on time. My husband was late for work. I was to afraid to walk out to continue my job because I feared the crazy man would beat me up at work. My husband Talans boss threatened to fire him for being late. I didn’t mean to make him late but I fears the crazy man in the lobby would hurt me. Retail suckS.
I got off work.After I got Talan off to work I began to clean the storage room at moms. I heard a horrible scream ran into the livingroom to discover Turtle the cat went into labor. The tortoise shell cat gave birth to a Siamese kitten. The daddy cat named Shy stood in shock as if saying wait that’s where babies come from? Turtle during her labor was assisted by Baby the rat terrier Chihuahua mix and Lemon the Australian Cattle dog. They cleaned up her and the Siamese kitten.
The dogs and Shy the Siamese was very upset I put Turtle and her offspring in the car and drove them to my house. I hope Shy doesn’t grieve himself half to death. They are a bonded couple. I took Turtle and her child to my house to be sure she is being cared for. I would have took Shy with me if he wasn’t feral.
My cats don’t know how to feel about our newest additions. Turtle and baby have been in a large dog kennel by their selves. My cats have been keeping their distance but curious. I figure until my cats get used to Turtle and the baby I plan to keep them separated for their safety. Just in case.
After I got Turtle baby raised I plan to fix Turtle and bring her back to Shy. I know he misses her. He doesn’t understand I brought her to my house to keep an eye on her.
Today my mother in law Dee is coming over. We are going to clean on my mom’s house some. We plan to haul off garbage. I can see where my mom’s house is starting to get in order.
I got to go my cats are knocking on my door meowing. I got to see what they need.
Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ August 09, 2023
Crazy day! Hopefully your husband doesn't get fired.
Asenath Waite ⋅ August 09, 2023
Holy crap! O_o Don't mess with a woman with a broom!