Fibromyalgia diagnosis,sick kitty,cat in a baby carriage in Just Life

  • Aug. 4, 2023, 6:43 p.m.
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I have been suffering from back pain,leg cramps,swelled feet and pain on the back of my knees,my neck has been killing me. My legs spasm in my sleep making me feel miserable. They checked my blood all appeared normal. Doctors for years never knew why. They kept telling me to take pain pills but the pain pills wasn’t working. They suggested me a pain clinic. I didn’t want to take pain meds for them not to work. I wanted answers.

My new doctor asked me why I didn’t take pain pills but put muscle rubs on. I told him the muscle rubs seem to help a little. He thought about it to inform me the reason why the pain medicines isnt working is because I have fibromyalgia. I was floored.

My dad had a lot of pain when he was alive. I wonder if he had that condition. He took oxycodone to help him get through each day. He worked hard fixing cars,building on our house,everyday he had something to tinker with. My dad always had a timer to take his medicine and even broke it into smaller portions so he wouldn’t sleep his days away. My dad died December 2018 of a heart attack. To this day I remember my screams begging him to open his eyes if he quit being stubborn and got the help he needed my dad would still be here today.

The doctor prescribed me muscle relaxer to stop my leg spasms in my sleep. I looked up the description for fibromyalgia and it describes my condition really well. I think I found a doctor who knows what he is talking about. I took the muscle relaxer to feel very dizzy and sleepy. I took it the night before but apparently it lasts longer than I thought I struggled at work. I might ask the doctor if I could possibly break them in half. They seem to strong for me.

Instead cleaning up at moms house today I gave Talan the car and told him to drive himself to work. At that moment I felt to unsafe to drive. I came home laid down and slept. I am still drowsy. I don’t know if I can handle keep taking the muscle relaxer. I hate muscle spasms in my sleep but I think I can’t handle how strong it is.

Earlier this week we took Harley Quinn our tabby cat to the vet. She got some fluids,some antibotics, the vet said come back next week that we will pull her infected broke tooth. When they gave her a shot she tried to bite the doctor but I grabbed her stopping her from turning around. Talan and I took turns comforting her. Her fever of 104 broke with the antibiotics she appears to be feeling better but obviously we will be back to fix her tooth. The car ride there she screamed threw a fit on the way home she was content sitting in her carrier. I think the pain medicines kicked in.

I am kind of bored I might put Ziggy in his carriage and walk the cat to the local park. People look at me weird babying a black cat but I don’t even care. Ziggy enjoys the ride I need the exercise. I walk him to honor the baby I miscarried in March. Just because my baby didn’t live doesn’t mean I can’t show kindness to others.

After it cools off a bit more I think I will mow the grass.

I wish my life was interesting.

Nocturne August 04, 2023

FragileGlass August 04, 2023


mcbee August 05, 2023

I have fibromyalgia and what they initially gave me for pain was neurontin, when it didn't work they would just keep increasing the dose. I lost almost a year of my life to that drug, sleeping all the time, no energy and still in pain. Then they tried tramadol which gave me no relief, but if I took two they would help me sleep a bit. Finally they gave me opiates, which actually worked and which I was very careful to just use when the pain was at it's worst, so I never had any problems with a possible dependence on them. Even so, they stopped prescribing opiates and at that point really had nothing to offer me. I did start taking cymbalta which does help keep me functional, and then when my arthritis started getting bad I started celebrex which is the best of the nsaids, and has helped a good bit. I still have pain every day and my real solution is just to stay so busy that I don't even think about it. I hope you find your answer soon.

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