The Jealous & Privilidged, Fucked-Up Brats the Republican Baby-Boomer's Shat Into Civilization Who Are Being Left Behind in My New Life
Revised: 08/09/2023 5:25 a.m.
- Aug. 8, 2023, 6 a.m.
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This 24 year old got a job at one of my places of business. I’m a business minded man and can work with almost anyone who can pick up a tray. But this one quickly made my shit-list. The first signs are always getting too close too fast. He won’t just accept his a role as colleague. He has to be in the “intimate zone”. He has to be a friend. He uses his 24 year old testosterone levels to muscle his way into people’s lives. He refuses to treat me as his elder (I have 10 years on him and massive experience in the field) and instead treats like competition. I may act professional, and cultured at work (which I am), but that doesn’t mean I haven’t dealt with the other-side of the tracks. I box and hit speed-bags, heavy bags and have kept company with a good many martial artists and so on. What his youthful stupidity sees is not exactly what I am. I’ve gotten into the ring with the MMA Champion of The South East. (The Sparring Session is a sore subject we don’t bring-up). Obviously, I value my musician’s hands and avoiding cauliflower-ear so I stick to Yoga and kick-boxing for self-defense purposes and exercise. I have put on 20 extra pounds due to long-Covid and 60 hour work weeks. So, he believes me to be washed-up at least in that area.
This kid was easy to read. He has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (I work with psychiatrists at my other job), and can’t he accept his actual role at work: the really annoying jerk type who can’t keep friends, who isn’t very good at what he does and who believes he deserves friendships he hasn’t earned, has a weird-froggy deep voice and who sexually harasses the female waitresses. I had been annoyed with his over-the-top intense fixations with the woman and later another co-worker (the good one) mentioned the sexual harassment as well. I’m sure his parents have some money and some status and it feels as though he has some backing. (His father was probably sexually harassing woman at his age too!) What the Alabama “rich families” always forget is how vast America is and how many rich families their are and have been. My Great Grandparents were calling servants with a switch under the table for refills while his were eating dirt and living in some log cabin out in the sticks. That’s not to mention my childhood friends and my guitar and psychology teachers could be Billionaires by now. They invented D_____, Inc. You may have heard of them. And I worked in their garage when it was just a start-up. By the time I moved away we had just moved into a $2.5 million factory building my back in 2007. My father did the real-estate deal.
But this is what he/they want. New money with Narcissistic Personality Disorders. They want the conflict. They want the dick measuring contest. They need the attention. They waitresses like me. They like me because they feel safe around me. It comes from my experience in dealing with the scum folks in the business and a lot of the time its rich douche bags who are the worst to deal with guest or employee. And what old money knows is to just ignore them and don’t show your cards. He knows I’m someone and he’ll keep harassing me and the woman until someone shows their cards.
Last updated August 09, 2023
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