what is the weird knot like bump??? in Hi This is Kat!

  • July 28, 2023, 12:18 a.m.
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Today I went and got Jojo so she could have a new scenery! She actually drove to Marty’s house and I picked her up there. She was getting tired and that is about half way to my house from the casino she was staying at after her surgery… yes I said a casino! The girl owns a house, a condo, and business with a sleeping room (her husbands) and cabin.... but she stays at the casino most of the time because they clean her room! She does not clean at all not even to pick up a bottle to pitch in the trash!

I was looking at this odd huge bump she has on one of her incisions… you can see the shape through the bandaid and you can easily feel it. It is the size of a buckeye.

I cleaned the stitches slightly and put fresh bandaids on. here are the photos of it! It does not look red or even pink, it is not pussy or oozy, so it does not look like infection to me but I am not a doctor…so we took her to the doctor and a nurse sorta checked her out… she just looked at it and said oh that is ok it is normal… she did not even take the bandaids off so I do not feel assured by that check up.

I am wondering if that doctor is kinda washing her hands of Jo.... she was very upset over Jo’s A1c and seemed to regret doing the surgery by telling me she would not have done the surgery if she know her a1c was 11 and blood close test was 316. BUT they did tell her before hand and she did sign off...... she also made the effort to tell me if she does not get a1c down like today… the surgery will be mush and not work????? Also at first I thought the surgery was to be 1.30 to 2 hours and it nearly lasted 30 mins..... now my mind starts to worry

Jo has not been taking the pain pills much as she is self medicating with beer or whiskey… she had two large beers at my house and took one home with her… it is her beer, She buys it and leaves it in my garage because she drinks soooo much that she would drink everything we had and the have no beer the next day. I only put two or three beers in the fridge at a time but she will drink hot beer too....

She seems to doing absolutely amazing! she is a strong person with high pain tolerance for sure

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