Goals for the Day/Week: in The Past

  • Aug. 20, 2014, 7:37 p.m.
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… also known as things I really should get done, but probably won’t because I’ll be playing Minecraft. ‘cuz you know that tree really needs to be punched.

– Finish 1 blue/silver Dragonscale bracelet
– Finish the belt that I’ve been “working on” for a week
– Figure out what rings/scales I need to buy for the next round of consignments and shows.
– Pay for Hawks Holiday Happening
– Put together 1 Teddy Bear shirt… no matter how weird it looks in pieces (Just remember Chris… bears are not shaped like people)
– Figure out a good place to spend a couple hours a week working on maile (since Minecraft taunts me when I’m at home)
– Either steal the camera back from Maili or force Maili to take new pictures of jewelry, WITH lighting.
– See if any old pictures are worth keeping
– Finish letter for You Are Loved.
– Get to sleep at a decent time.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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