torn rotator cuff in Hi This is Kat!

  • July 19, 2023, 4:59 p.m.
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Jo has a torn rotator cuff and needs surgery! She is in so much pain I feel so bad for her.

BUT… this could be a dangerous surgery because her A1c is 15, she is in stage 3 cirrhosis and she is an alcoholic who does not intend on quit drinking before or after surgery and gets so drunk she falls!
When you are a diabetic if your sugar is that high is makes you body not heal well. With cirrhosis going under can harm the liver more and cause more complications, her low hemoglobin can make her numbers go too low, her varices can bleed when they put the tube down her throat to put her under.... so many variables that scare the shit out of me.

…and then there is the pain… the pain can cause glucose numbers to be even higher and also make her risk or stroke and heart attack risk higher! WTF!!!

and now there is post surgery.... for most it is just painful but with Jo, she has lost most of her lean muscle so she has very little strength which she is going to need to do her therapy.... and lastly there is the booze on pain pills, booze and falling on it again, booze and not giving a shit to do therapy… the list goes on!

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